
Exerpose For The Statement Of Purpose In Computer Science

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Statement of Purpose With the histrionic advance in the technological world, it would be difficult to play down the significance of Computer Science in the business and technological world today. It is against this milieu that I have realized the need to pursue further education in Computer Science at the University of Michigan in order to realize my career objectives. After careful contemplation, it has become obvious to me that establishing a thriving career in Computer Science demands advanced training in Computer Science and similar subjects. I chose to enroll my master’s program with you because I am a keen enthusiast of your research centres and facilities, which I consider to be critical in attaining greater academic excellence. I am …show more content…

This significant accomplishment will equip me with the direction, ingenious energy and intellectual inspiration to work on the forefront of technology in today’s hi-tech world. My long-standing goals include becoming an expert in IT, applying my knowledge and skills. To this end, I will be perfectly equipped to find my niche in the business and technological world. As a result, I intend to contribute extensively to the human society by enhancing the attribute of life and living standards. It is apparent from above statement that I am extremely motivated and determined to undertake my master’s program in Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Michigan. By pursuing the Computer Science Engineering master’s program, I hope to extend my vision and future expectations. This program will make it possible for me to realize the objectives I have set for myself. I also look forward to having a prolonged career in this field, and assist a wide range of business firms to realize their dreams and remain competitive in the business

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