Statement of Purpose With the histrionic advance in the technological world, it would be difficult to play down the significance of Computer Science in the business and technological world today. It is against this milieu that I have realized the need to pursue further education in Computer Science at the University of Michigan in order to realize my career objectives. After careful contemplation, it has become obvious to me that establishing a thriving career in Computer Science demands advanced training in Computer Science and similar subjects. I chose to enroll my master’s program with you because I am a keen enthusiast of your research centres and facilities, which I consider to be critical in attaining greater academic excellence. I am …show more content…
This significant accomplishment will equip me with the direction, ingenious energy and intellectual inspiration to work on the forefront of technology in today’s hi-tech world. My long-standing goals include becoming an expert in IT, applying my knowledge and skills. To this end, I will be perfectly equipped to find my niche in the business and technological world. As a result, I intend to contribute extensively to the human society by enhancing the attribute of life and living standards. It is apparent from above statement that I am extremely motivated and determined to undertake my master’s program in Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Michigan. By pursuing the Computer Science Engineering master’s program, I hope to extend my vision and future expectations. This program will make it possible for me to realize the objectives I have set for myself. I also look forward to having a prolonged career in this field, and assist a wide range of business firms to realize their dreams and remain competitive in the business
Furthermore, with the skills acquired from the college, I can aid not only myself, but others around me to move forward in technological advances and work for an ever growing future. Not only that, but I am yearning to observe how deep my passion for technology will bring me into learning in the Computer Science Major. No matter how challenging the course may be or how difficult it is to comprehend at first, nothing is impossible and will not stop me from my way of benefiting others around
Thus, I seek to pursue a course in line with such future prospects as a professional. I want to have a career in the business world in regards to technology in the business field. I also seek to travel the world and work or live in different cities and engage with different people to get different perspectives about life as I develop as a person, as a professional, and as a family person with my own family.
As a current sophomore at the University of Arizona (U of A), enrolled in the Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) program, I seek to continue my education to the master’s level. I have high hopes of acceptance into the Accelerated Master’s Program. My educational objectives line up with the three, U of A – ECE program objectives:
Having previously worked and studied in computer science fields, although finding the topics interesting, I realized that they did not fulfill my need for a wider breadth of knowledge. Through the ISS major, I would be
The academics are about personal achievement, cutting-edge discovery, and community involvement, with students and lifelong learners selecting from a stunningly diverse array of possibilities, and that is more than enough to attract me. One academic major that I am especially interested in joining is Computer Science, a major that is shared throughout all three campus locations. There are a few factors that determine my choice for this major, one which is my prominent interest in math, a subject in which I believed do very remarkable in. As someone who enjoys math, I take pleasure in performing mental challenges and analyzing problems in order to solve them. Another factor for my choice in Computer Science is my interest in technology. There's no doubt that technology has helped improve our lives and it's only getting more advanced as the days go by. For example, Rutgers University is in possession of the latest technologies and state-of-the-art research facilities that assist students with their education. As the world is connected and driven mostly by technology nowadays, I desired to discover more about the technological world around me. Therefore, by studying Computer Science, I will learn how to utilize technology in assisting other fields and helping solve different types of issues. In addition, I relish in tinkering with items to see how they function. Finally, the Computer Science major at the New Brunswick branch of Rutgers University offer a program in which an undergraduate can earn both a Bachelor and a Master's degree in a short amount of time, thus graduating with two degrees, which will help launch me right into a great career, one that will help make a difference in the
My overall goal is to contribute and revolutionizing how we live. As technological development is vital in the contemporary world. Engineering related jobs are rapidly increasing in demand as technology is quickly developing. Technology is the tool to assist the progression of
Computer Science, Software Engineering and Information Systems are international qualifications, enabling people to work globally, and in a very broad variety of roles. There is steady growth in demand for technically adept and flexible IT graduates. Declining student enrollment, while growth continues in law, medicine, biology, economics, and business; the decline among women is particularly alarming (Klawe and Shneiderman 27). Computer science is now a part of everyone’s daily life through the innovations and technologies it enables. From transforming health care to enabling a more robust national defense, computer science is on the forefront of discovery, driving economic growth and transforming our
Playing games on my father's computer as a child fascinated me in the way the computer works, how fast it develops, and now how the computer helps the world to communicate. It still amazes me in how fast computers change and how communication across the globe is enhanced with the computer. Computers have drastically changed how society lives and does business. Even small businesses can do global sales without leaving their location. With new strategies for business, comes cyber threats of identity theft and theft of intellectual property that brings information technology security and new laws into play. It is becoming a fast and ever challenging world. Computer science enables the ability to program software for protection against these kinds of threats and vulnerabilities. It also enables the ability to program artificial intelligence into the computer system software to enable society to meet their needs in more appropriate ways.
Throughout my educational journey, I constantly hone my knowledge in computer science. There is not a day where I did not polish my skills.
Career Goal: My career goal is to become part of a major computer engineering corporation.
I would like to thank you for giving me the opportunity to write my desired future based Master Program in Software Engineering. I feel that a higher education for Masters enable me to approach to the most recent technologies and to practice myself in a competitive environment and learn more skills in the field of Software Engineering.
My major has gradually revealed the fundamental disciplines and inherent architectures as well as systems of the computer and how to learn programming in the past several
A ravenous desire for software development juxtaposed with a ken of skilled programming, gave me the pathways for my undergrad studies, thus ultimately being the reason for the selection of Computer Engineering as the major stream for my engineering studies. The courses that most interested me during my undergraduate
It is universally agreeable that with the advent of Computer technology, every ambitious and enthusiastic individual is really obsessed with the idea of doing computer science at graduate level because it seems to have created a zeal and enthusiasm in the hearts of youth, particularly those who aspire to be marked as high achievers. I, for one, seem to have been enchanted by these computer applications as they have made the world smaller, speaking in terms of globalization. I have no hesitation to add that core computerization alone is the suitable answer to all the areas unexploited and to the areas waiting for development. It has always been a fascination for me about how computers work, how these applications are designed and what can be the newer ways to explore the world of computers to make our world better. This interest became a passion for me when I was exposed to computer science basics, during my middle school. Pursuing computer science engineering at undergraduate level, further propelled my passion for computer science along with providing me a deeper insight and in-depth understanding of the subject. After completing my under graduation in Computer Science, I am willing to expedite my research interest and a masters degree seemed the most appropriate choice for realizing my aspirations.
I have successfully earned a master’s degree in Industrial Engineering from SUNY, University at Buffalo in September 2013, which opened avenues for me and led me to my first full-time job. Since graduation, I’ve been on a ceaseless path of learning from working as a Quality Engineer for a small manufacturing company called HDM Hydraulics to where I am now as an R&D Quality Engineer for New Product Development at Medtronic. My academic pursuits continued even after starting