
Exploring The Role Of Cognitive Development In Childhood

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Cognitive development is the construction of the thought processes and how the brain continues to grow from childhood to adulthood. Cognitive development includes remembering, problem solving and decision-making. A 4 year old in cognitive development should be able to correctly name familiar colours, sort objects by shape and colours and remember parts of stories. This relates to my child Bonnie as she is currently able to count to 10 with no supports and is able to name all her basic colours and know the right times to use them when drawing/ colouring in pictures. She also knows her basic shapes like circle, squares and triangles. This relates to my brief how children and young people can be supported during transition as this helps bonnie in her transition from nursery to school as she’s currently has the knowledge in order to get her ready for school. …show more content…

It’s also about having the ability to establish positive and rewarding relationships with others. A 4 year old in social and emotional development should be able to Share toys, be able to taking turns, Initiate or join in play with other children and make up games and start to show more independence. This relates to my child Bonnie as she has went to many different groups like inky toots and playgroups which has helped her socially development as she has been working and interacting with different children and adult on a daily bases. Her emotional development is met with her working with other and finding different ways to express her emotions. This relates to my brief how children and young people can be supported during transition as this will help Bonnie during her transition from nursery to school as she able to make her friends easily and is socially confident meaning she won’t have a problem with talking to people that will be helping her with her transition from nursery to

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