
Facebook Case Submissiom

Decent Essays

Question > Why do people use Facebook and what do they do when they are there? The social networking website fulfill 2 needs 1) Need for belongingness 2) Need for presenting yourself to the world/surroundings Internet based services like Facebook gives some capabilities to the individual to present themselves to the world and share events/photos etc. to the outside world. Initially Facebook started with an idea for interacting students of a common school, but now it becomes so large, people feel they are missing something in their life by not being on the Facebook. With total registrations of about 1 billion, Facebook is third world created. Some features which keep customer engaged- a. Curiosity b. Fun c. …show more content…

There are some ways Companies can leverage and creates engaging Facebook Fan pages that attracts lot more traffic- 1. Networking with other platforms- Companies open their Facebook pages and create a fan base that can directly be integrated with their platform. Thus giving direct access to the large target group. Connecting multiple social platforms and a hub from the brand website, can help funnel consumers throughout the network 2. Creating a resource- Some pages are used as connection hubs, but others offer information pertinent to their consumers. They use the information as added value to have consumers create a connection with the brand. Offering a resource page allows a brand to target a new demographic, outside of those that already know and love the business. 3. Creating contests that include participation- Contest and quizzes etc. witness a huge participation on their Facebook pages. Offering something to consumers to join can help build a large community. Some examples of things to offer: Coupons, free shipping, weekly deals. Another excellent way to encourage interaction and sharing among your social media fans is to reward them for committing to “Like” your brand! For example, exclusive access to special deals and discounts is certainly a great reward for a fan’s commitment. 4. Targeting the proper demographic- There are some brands which don’t have strong presence on Facebook, just because the target group

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