
Faith And Family Analysis

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Faith and Family was the ideology chosen for me in completing this political typology quiz. This particular label believes strongly in our nation’s government and truly believe the government should focus and push towards solving more national problems. Faith and family is the focal point for this group and they have a conservative’s point of view involving social issues like legalizing marijuana and same-sex marriage. This group generally are in favor for the government to aid the poor even if it increases our nations’ deficit. Faith and Family is considered “majority-minority” and racially diverse. This political ideology quiz questions were very interesting and some questions I felt I had a different answer for. I did not honestly expect …show more content…

I believe those views originate from both my upbringing and religion. My parents views on legalizing weed and same sex marriages are completely opposite of mine. My mother believe what you practice in the privacy of your home is your business. My father believes in the policy “Don’t ask, don’t tell”. I too believe in “Don’t ask, don’t tell”, however, I do not presuppose God. I take the bible very seriously. I read it book by book, chapter by chapter and verse by verse. God’s word is not a simple suggestion it is a commandment. I believe same-sex marriages should not be legalized. I think legalizing marriages for the same-sex is the way society help with negating the guilt of doing something wrong. You are definitely supposed to love the individual, however, hate the sin. My father believe the use of marijuana should be legalized and tax strongly when purchasing to help with the nations fiscal affairs. My mother and I believe marijuana should be completely medicinal. My parents were educators, and activist in their community—very helpful. I am advocate for helping people and the community. I truly believe in equal opportunity. These are the same beliefs my parents possess. I do believe every humans’ life matters pink, purple or

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