This paper tries to study the different aspects of Inter-Organizational Network through literature survey method. It concentrates on the core reasons for forming networks from two different perspectives (transactional and sociological). The elements of network formation are identified dividing them into essential and facilitating factors. It discusses effects of inter-organizational network on the industry. The paper also highlights the feature of knowledge transfer in organizations through networks. Lastly, it tries to focus on the possible impacts that the formation of networks can have on Human Resource Management functions of the networked organization. The paper concludes by
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Because, the contractual and process elements that help in forming networks might vary from industry to industry.
5. Process of network formation-
Inter – organizational network, as a distinct from personal network of entrepreneurs have been discussed by O’donell (2001). The factors those are responsible for the process of Inter-organizational network have been divided into- Reciprocity, Legitimacy, Stability and Resources, according to Kimberly (2005).
i) Among the four factors, Reciprocity is considered as necessary condition. The other three factors are facilitators in the network formation process. The might be present at the time of network formation or they can be developed in the early stages of network formation.
The main objective of the Inter-organizational network is the accomplishment of collective goals for the participating organizations. The goals require inputs or contributions from other organizations, as no single organization is capable of achieving the goals on its own. The organizations, connected through network, derive benefits from other organizations’ structures. The benefit derived from joining an organization is must also be greater than the cost involved. Otherwise, a single organization does not derive any incentive from joining inter-organization network, choosing over individual goals and objectives.
ii) Legitimacy is the first of the three facilitating factors. It is essential to
This allows the industry to be better connected and function as a whole to allow for best productivity, volume, revenue, and rates.
One key responsibility of working as a manager is to recognize the best way to organize and run an organization. A manager who can work with and put into motion the structure and plans of a company is very important to the life of the organization. Chief Executive Officer of Chick-fil-A Dan T. Cathy is an example of such a manager and business owner. Chick-fil-A began its journey in 1960 in Hapeville, Ga. Since then the second
Many of the new forms developed are a direct relationship between self-organization and network. The inner workings of the organization help to develop a massive network. Thus, increasing the number of quality relationships with other business, organization, or school districts. The development of networks is invaluable to any organization. Business managers, principals, superintendents, and etc. use their networks to ensure that the organization, or school they are crafting is one that will represent success.
The transformed organizational model is quite different and the operating process is quite different. Figure below gives us insight into why interconnecting the stovepipes is a better option. We redisplay the organization in 'link patterns' and we see a totally new perspective. By adding the horizontal ties we have transformed a simple hierarchy into an interconnected group. Recent research by psychologist Patrick Laughlin of the University of Illinois shows that groups outperform even the best individuals in decision making. Intelligence information is rarely clear or complete -- a key reason for having many perspectives and diverse experiences for cross-pollination and sense-making. (Organizational Hierarchy, page 1 para. 10)
2. Organizations that are designed with hierarchy and interlocking groups are more productive than organizations that divert to the traditional chain of command design (Likert, 1961 as cited in Stojkovic, Kalinich, Klofas, 2008). These interlocking groups are connected by linking pins. Linking pins are considered individuals who serve as members of one group and leader of another. These individuals make an intensive attempt to have trustworthiness and influence in their own groups as well as others that involve the capable operation of their organization. The linking pin acts as an informal director, making impromptu efforts to level
16) Companies benefit today by inter-firm cooperation. One of the ways they cooperate is through networking. Another way is by seeking technological knowledge and learning new processes from other firms that usually fall outside of their respective industries. We call this
For CVS’s legal concern, not only do they have to follow federal and state guideline for employees, they have to follow federal guidelines for pharmaceuticals, legal requirements for their nurses, doctors and pharmacist. In addition CVS is expanding into global markets, and that opens them up to foreign legal requirements. Socially, CVS Caremark has a long-standing track record of sound corporate governance and stands firmly committed to acting with integrity and holding
An employment relationship describes the dynamic, interlocking economic, legal, social and psychological relations that exist between individuals and their work organizations. Palgrave Macmillan (2013), Glossary [online] Available at: < http://www.palgrave.com/business/brattonandgold/glossary/glossary.htm> [Accessed 17th September 2013]. Factors that impact on this relationship both have a detrimental effect to the running of a business. I will focus on two internal and two external. These being:
Table 1. Coordination mechanisms for collective strategies Coordination mechanism Regulative legislation Contracting Mergers Joint ventures Interlocking directorates Trade associations Collusion and industry leadership Degree of formalization High High High High Moderate Moderate Low
To organize and prioritize the current and future projects in the pipeline in a way that fits into the PMB budget of $5B, and ensures projects that increase sales, growth, and stockholder value are of top priority, whereas projects that are not beneficial are either put on hold or discarded.
An organizational analysis is an important tool to become familiar with how medical businesses and organizations are able to meet standards of care, provide services for the community and provide employment to health care providers. There are many different aspects to evaluate in an organizational analysis. This paper will describe these many aspects and apply the categories to the University Medical Center (UMC) as the organization being analyzed.
He will need to communicate to them all as to how the restructuring will be done so that they all understand. They will need to know how this will affect the jobs they are doing.
If an organization is to remain effective as it changes and grows with its environment, managers must continuously evaluate the way their organizations are designed: for example, the way work is divided among people and departments, and the way it controls its human, financial, and physical resources. Organizational design involves difficult choices about how to control—that is, coordinate organizational tasks and motivate the people who perform them—to maximize an organization’s ability to create value (Jones, 2004). Maintaining that competitive edge in the snack food industry can be challenging. Snacks and goodies are considered one of America’s favorite past times. Best Snacks has held the number
The connection that they can have can be very personal which they can use to treat the organization as a big family. Although these solutions may require expending costs, this is an investment that has high return that can offset the losses the organization is incurring due to the absences and unproductivity of their employees on its present condition.
Stage 4 - Companies in this stage have broad analytic capabilities for solving local problems, but not at the organization level. Due to duplication of efforts and lack of appropriate employee skill sets and attitudes, the organization has some work to do to reach this level of analytical maturity. The CEO and executive team are supportive of analytical focus, but are not passionate about competing on this basis.