Practice Test 16
1. What does agency research have in common with social science research? ANSWER- (a) it uses systemic and rigorous methods.
Agency research has many characteristics in common with social science research such as using systematic and rigorous methods, seeking empirical evidence, being committed to neutrality, thinking critically, and abiding by an ethical code. However, besides being concern with the practice needs of an agency, agency research is distinguished from social science research in two other ways. It is more concern with accountability especially to a specific set of stakeholders, and political processes are important to its success, (pg. 286).
2. How is evaluation research a political process? ANSWER- (b) it must promote cooperation and consensus among stakeholders.
Indeed, evaluation research
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Which of the following is not an evaluation issue at the outcome stage? ANSWER - (b) determine client access
Dudley (2011, p.292) listed outcome stages they are: Measure progress in client outcomes, determine whether the overall program is effective, decide whether to modify the approach or continue it unchanged, and determine how clients who complete the program are different from dropouts.
7. What is an important tool at the planning stage? ANSWER- (a) a thorough needs assessment.
A need assessments systematically document the needs of potential clients who will likely be the recipients of a proposed intervention. Need assessment can answer several important questions about a potential client group, including their needs in a range of areas, their social supports or lack thereof, environmental stressors, important demographic characteristics, and the approximate number of people requesting a proposed intervention or reporting that they will use it if it is available, (pg. 294).
8. Why would an evaluation be conducted at the implementation stage? ANSWER- (c) to keep an intervention on
11. Employers faced with the need to downsize, perhaps on the heels of an earlier reduction as was the case with ATC should consider a voluntary separation program to minimize legal risks. Voluntary separation programs have advantages over involuntary programs.
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VeriType is developing software that will improve the billing process for physicians. The software is developed to help make the billing process easier, more accurate, efficient, and compliant with the Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA). HCFA monitors billing practices compliance with government regulations. Fines imposed for noncompliance with HCFA guidelines can reach up to $10,000 per claim. This along with other inefficiencies in the billing process can cost physicians a lot of money. (Moot Corp, 2013)
The second question Identify specific examples of how program planning and evaluation interrelate in your chosen scenario in Appendix B. in my opinion program planning and
Question 1.1. (TCO B) Which of the following statements concerning the MM extension with growth is NOT CORRECT?
were paying for a war that they were not actually involved with. This was the start of the separation and thought of true liberty and freedom from the economic control
According to Hepworth ( 2013) , there are three issues that should be addressed initially for an assessment.
Process evaluation is used to determine if the program activities have been implemented as intended. Outcome evaluation is used to measure effects of a program in the target population by estimating the progress in the outcome objectives that the program is to achieve (CDC, n.d.).
Confirm achievement with the learner and plan the next assessment by returning to stage one. Identify any implications for learning, assessment and progression.
The needs assessment relates to an individual’s care and personal needs, the assessment centres on the activity for daily living and the
As I am entering into the final semester of my MLS studies I have the desire to gain more working knowledge of various library types and their practices. I would like to secure a practicum that will enable me the opportunity to gain practical hands on experience in a special library. Though this experience is not required for completion of my MLS degree I feel that the knowledge gained from this practicum placement will be invaluable. It will help create a more well-rounded and versatile professional base to draw from as I continue in the library profession.
A. Describe the assessment tool (test, survey, rubric, etc.) used. Cut and paste your tool below if possible.
During this course of Managerial Economics, I first learned about the three-legged stool. Coming from a nursing background, when things are complicated, I would always break it down to basics of airway, breathing, and circulation, basic CPR. From a business perspective, I see now that I can evaluate things similarly with the stool. When matters appear out of balance, I can assess the three legs of performance evaluation, decision rights, and rewards, and then evaluate the situation with a little more clarity.
Needs Assessment (NA) is a systematic set of approaches that is used to establish the needs of a community by identifying; at-risk groups, risk factors associated with the health and establishing resources available in the community that can be used to mitigate the health problem (Lebron et al. 20016, p. 111). NA therefore, requires community participation, is conducted before planning an intervention and is used to tailor interventions that suit the target population (Lebron et al. 20016, p. 111).
17. Reducing the variations in our product or services is an important key to perceived quality TRUE