
Financial Strength Of Scentre Group

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Scentre Group (ASX:SCG) is the owner and operator of the Westfield malls in Australia and New Zealand. It is listed on the Australian Stock Exchange and was formed recently on 30th June 2014 through a merger of the Westfield Retail Trust and Westfield Group’s Australian and New Zealand management business. The Scentre Group is closely involved in the management of its portfolio, from construction to design, leasing and marketing of the malls.
Scentre Group controls a portfolio of 47 centres across Australia and New Zealand. This totals to 12,669 retailers in 3.9 million square meters of retail space. The portfolio are valued at A$40.9 billion.
A breakdown of the firm’s portfolio is shown below2: The purpose of this report is to investigate the financial strength of Scentre Group. The assumptions and calculation are based on the 2014 Annual Financial Report, which includes operations of Westfield Group, some assumptions are made in this report as Scentre Group was only formed less than a year ago and figures used may be reflected before the companies merged. Shareholder Analysis
A marginal stockholder is defined as the handler of stocks who is more involved in the buying or selling the next trade stock. The forces of demand and supply in the market allow these investors to determine stock prices of companies as these marginal stockholders usually own a significantly large portion of shares. This report is written to analyse Scentre Group’s largest

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