Shwu lng Wu ( 2003) in his study “The relationship between consumer characteristics and attitude toward online shopping” examined the internet users concerns and understandings of online shopping. He measured the attitude of internet users about online shopping with the help of fishbein model. Study showed that consumer attitudes can be measured by fishbein model and examined that consumer characteristics are the main factors that influences the consumer attitudes and online shopping behavior. All the consumer benefit perception factors positively influences consumer attitudes towards online shopping. ( Page 41). Shwu Ing Wu says that marketers must adopt new strategies to get the benefits of online shopping, convenience, more information, effectiveness and modern, freedom of choice of products and frame the excellent home page to attract consumers to buy goods and services. Fishbein model was framed so that consumers attitudes towards some objects can be derived from consumers beliefs and feelings about the different attitudes about the object. Fishnein model is also known …show more content…
TRA is used to predict how individuals will behave based on their pre-existing attitudes and behavioral intentions. An individual's decision to engage in a particular behavior is based on the outcomes the individual expects will come as a result of performing the behavior.”
Fishbein's attitude model can be expressed in equation form as (Fishbein, 1967a.
Online purchasing is becoming more and more practical thing for contemporary customer. It is explained by high internet penetration in every country, lower cost than in retail network, door to door delivery. Internet plays an important role nowadays; therefore it creates a new market, which sometimes is quite difficult to measure. Online shopping is different from the B&M shopping due to the fact that there is no physical presence of goods, from other standpoint internet is able to sell way more services and motivation and decision making process directly connected to the feedbacks.
TRA posits that individual behaviour is driven by behavioural intentions where behavioural intentions are a function of an individual's attitude toward the behaviour and subjective norms surrounding the performance of the behaviour. Attitude toward the behaviour is defined as the individual's positive or negative feelings about performing a behaviour. It is determined through an assessment of
(Schell-Offley, N. 2016) The Theory of Reasoned Action was formulated in the 1960’s and in it’s final form, it combines two types of beliefs including behavioural attitudes and the subjective norm. It was based on the fact that behaviour isn’t always the individuals responsibility and not necessarily in their control. The theory suggests that if a person has a positive mind-set on how to behave themselves, along with a powerful subjective norm towards behaviour, it is likely the result will be viewing their control favourably. Subjective norms are influenced by perceptions of beliefs of those surrounding such as friends and parents. According to the TRA, an individual will have a sense as to wether or not specific individuals that are surrounding, would approve or disapprove of their behaviour. By focusing on the norms and attitudes of an individual, the TRA provides a guidance for identifying the underlying reasons or a persons’s intent to behave in a specific way. The more a person can understand about attitudes and the subjective norm, it can influence them in a desired direction, heading towards a healthier behaviour than ignoring the factors and overlooking the attitudes that can influence intent and motivate behaviour.(,
Across both the Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) and its descendant the Theory of Planned Behavior, people are portrayed to behave in ways that they intended to (thus said to have planned doing as such), with their intentions dependent on how favorably they view the behavior based on what outcomes it would bring (attitudes), how people they consult with would act in the same situation (norms), and how much they believe in their ability to act (behavioral control). The causal path is then clear: People possess beliefs about their actions and act on their intentions if they find that acting out their beliefs would be worth it (both because it would bring desired outcomes, and because they intend to do so).
The online shopping scenario has greatly developed because of its ease of use and convenience with which people buy product/services online. The affinity to shop online is increasing promptly among consumers across the world. There are two types of online shopping values – Utilitarian shopping values and Hedonic shopping values. But many scholars and marketers have intensely researched into the aspect of hedonic shopping values, which states that consumers consider online shopping as a fun activity. The hedonic shopping values could be evaluated as forecasters of online consumer behavior. The paper discusses the six dimensions of hedonic shopping values and develops a model to understand the customer satisfaction levels of online consumers by examining the effect of hedonic shopping values.
The idea behind this study is of great significance because e-commerce (online shopping) has grown tremendously since the turn of the century. It has shaped the way people do shopping for the most part.
Ajazen and Fishbein (1975) introduced the TRA model. Attitudinal, social influence and intention variables are the components that predict human comportment. The speculation assumes that the intention to perform a behaviour might be higher when the person has optimistic analysis of performing the behavior (Ajzen, 1991). It is figured out by the Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) that the individual to perform a behavior is postulated by two determinants of intention called Attitude toward performing the Behavior (ATB) and Subjective Norm (SN) which is the the overall percerption of what others think should and should not do.
This report will outline the most relevant behavioural characteristics of online consumers and examine the ways they find, compare and evaluate product information. Comparison of the newly collected survey data with the existing consumer behaviour theory resulted in detection of a number of issues related to a specific consumer group. The purpose of this report is to translate these findings into a set of implementation activities on strategic and technological level. Execution of these recommendations will result in better conversion of visitors into customers and encourage customer loyalty and referrals.
Module three was probably the most complex modules that we have encountered this semester for me. I viewed this module as the mechanics and technicality based conceptual understanding of consumer behavior. We recognize that consumer behavior isn’t just static, but is much more in tune with the complexity that is the Human mind. This module to me represented the consumer coming to the final stage of the consumption process and becoming aware that a final decision is eminent. When I look back at my purchases I think how much went into buying an item or service and actually getting to that point where I have made that final purchase.
Pavlou & Stewart (2010) establish website’s design and its features most influencing and striking factors. Other aspects were notable as feedback, discount, from previous customers, less rate and quality of product. Findings regarding the demography of shopper were interrelated with the age and attitudes towards online shopping it had showed that youth university students were found keen to shop online.
Another advantage of the online shopping is the huge amount of goods that the consumers can choose from. Most of the online shops have filters to specify exactly what the consumer want and give him/her some suggestions to help choose the best product. According to the research finding, the majority of the participants, which they are 48% agreed on finding the online shopping experiences, is effortless more than the physical shopping. However only 22% feels that physical shopping is better for them, they aren't comfortable with the way the online shops work, and they prefer the traditional method to buy their goods.30% of the participants have a neutral opinion about the easy access of the online shops and actually shop and find the actual goods the consumer want. These result shows that the accessibility factor is actually a positive factor that affect the consumers behavior in a good way toward to online shopping 4.3 PRICE AND PROMOTIONS: Shopping through the online shops can –in some cases- reduce the amount of the goods.
The quality of the internet on the purchase process has been found to affect customers’ purchase decisions, satisfaction, and loyalty in online retailing (Zeithaml et al., 2002; Wolfinbarger and Gilly, 2009). Hence, to be competitive in the market place, internet is the paramount and as the new ways for the customer to interact directly with a firm. Besides that, the internet is responsive and convenient for customers in the online purchase process. Through internet, the firms being able respond to the unique needs and wants of individual customers by providing the “right content in the right format to the right person at the right time.” Retailers can facilitate a convenient and responsive online purchase process, serve their customers better, improve customer satisfaction and increase retention.
As technology has evolved it has transformed society for many people around the world. Within the last few years e-Commerce has become one of the ideal ways of shopping as individuals enjoy online shopping because of its easiness and convenience. The ease of buying products or services from the privacy of your own home anytime of the day. Buying options are reduced to a minimum with the ability to transfer funds online. Because of its accessibility, consumers can save time as well as money by searching for everything online. One of the advantages that ecommerce operations interact with it customers is providing effective customer service and convenience. It is an important factor causes of shopping intention. The location is
Internet affects the market deeply. Internet marketing is the simplest way to buy items using the internet. Companies advertise the goods on their website to make people able to buy items they need. Internet becomes likely to be the heart of marketing strategies. There is remarkable change in the number of e-commerce enterprises selling goods online. Many business models are using the internet to promote
The way of shopping is changed with the advancement of the technology. According to a study ‘if any e-commerce company focuses on the demographic characteristics of the shopper, it is concluded that the higher the level of income, occupation and education of the head of the family then the perception towards online shopping is more favourable. If consumer is inclined towards technology, then his attitude towards online or non-store shopping is increased. Online shopping has widened the segmentation and target audience. Earlier the young educated men were the main users of online shopping but this perception is changing with time. For example, in United States of America the women user internet was very few but till 2001 the population of women were increased and it was around 52% of the online