
Focus 2 Assessment

Decent Essays

Obtaining a career focus is valuable in any college student’s lifetime; therefore, it would be profitable to meet with a career counselor to discuss occupational goals and interests. Moreover, involvement with the Focus 2 assessment is another contributing factor used to guide the career decision making process. The Focus 2 is comprised of five simple tests that will analyze compatible careers for the individual taking the assessment. Mr. Richard Glass, the career counselor that agreed to meet with me, believes that the work interests assessment produces the most promising results. For instance, my work interests fall under the social, artistic, and investigative categories. Through computerized analysis, I was given a list of occupations that would agree with the data received. The content of this paper will evaluate the results of the Focus 2 assessment, in addition to the major points discussed by Mr. Glass. Come the end of this paper, the reader will gain a better understanding of my work …show more content…

To further elaborate, individuals in the social aspect are the helpers on the career field. Individuals with an artistic work interest are known as the creators on the career field. Furthermore, individuals in the investigative work interest are known as the inquisitive thinkers. Each of the three work interests contribute to determine the occupations that would best suit my passions. Much to my surprise, however, I discovered that I am most suitable to peruse a career as a college professor – more specifically with a concentration in art. I can understand how my work interests equated to an art professor – after all, an individual in pursuit of this occupation would need to work well with people, acquire artistic abilities, and provide proficient teaching methods in an investigative manner – nevertheless, I do not agree that I should peruse a career in this

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