
Formal Structure Interface With Internal And External Business Environment

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• Formal structure interface with Internal and External Business Environment -

The internal and external business environment plays a significant role we have to adopt innovation according to changes which are happening in internal and external business environment. [20] The success-survival-growth of business completely depends of innovation with scenario analysis [19] & [20]

• How Innovation can be successfully implemented in Organization:
Role of organizational culture in overcoming challenges and Resistance to change
An article “How to Kill Creativity” published in the Harvard Business Review (1998), Therese Amabile identified a few proven strategies for organizations to help promote …show more content…

Managers can also support creativity by serving as a role model, persevering through tough problem, as well as encouraging trust, collaboration and communication within the team.]12]

• Organizational Support - Encouragement from supervisors certainly fosters creativity, but creativity is truly enhanced when the entire organization supports it. Organizational leaders must put in place appropriate systems or procedures that value and recognize creative contributions. [13]

• Managerial Implication-
Positive approach to innovation is greater if employees know that they have the support of superiors and independence in action while they develop innovative ideas, as well as that they can make use of financial resources to support the innovation processes. As the relevant literature shows, objectives may actually promote innovation at the same time leaders of the organization should give a clear signal that innovation is highly desirable, by setting ambitious goals indifferent areas and establishing motivated teams to find ways to implement the vision.[14] The support for innovation is the symbols and rituals, whose main objective is to identify innovative behaviour and an incentive for this type of behaviour.[15] a dimension of the

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