• Formal structure interface with Internal and External Business Environment -
The internal and external business environment plays a significant role we have to adopt innovation according to changes which are happening in internal and external business environment. [20] The success-survival-growth of business completely depends of innovation with scenario analysis [19] & [20]
• How Innovation can be successfully implemented in Organization:
Role of organizational culture in overcoming challenges and Resistance to change
An article “How to Kill Creativity” published in the Harvard Business Review (1998), Therese Amabile identified a few proven strategies for organizations to help promote
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Managers can also support creativity by serving as a role model, persevering through tough problem, as well as encouraging trust, collaboration and communication within the team.]12]
• Organizational Support - Encouragement from supervisors certainly fosters creativity, but creativity is truly enhanced when the entire organization supports it. Organizational leaders must put in place appropriate systems or procedures that value and recognize creative contributions. [13]
• Managerial Implication-
Positive approach to innovation is greater if employees know that they have the support of superiors and independence in action while they develop innovative ideas, as well as that they can make use of financial resources to support the innovation processes. As the relevant literature shows, objectives may actually promote innovation at the same time leaders of the organization should give a clear signal that innovation is highly desirable, by setting ambitious goals indifferent areas and establishing motivated teams to find ways to implement the vision.[14] The support for innovation is the symbols and rituals, whose main objective is to identify innovative behaviour and an incentive for this type of behaviour.[15] a dimension of the
In the context of creativity’s stated definition, we will proceed to group our arguments into three themes of factors: cognitive ability, expertise training, and environmental conditions. The human brain is highly adaptable and can continue to develop new cognitive abilities, even past adulthood (Norman, 2015). Proper cognitive expertise and training can help workers produce and operate in ingenious ways (Ginamarie, Lertiz & Mumford, 2004). Finally, the working environment can both motivate or stifle creative output. Managers can influence all three components: expertise, thinking skills, and motivation (Amabile, 1998).
Being innovative does not just involve using the expertise of market researchers, scientists and product developers to create new products. It also involves using the capabilities of everyone within an organisation to generate the processes that help the new product to reach the market quickly and efficiently. It is after all people who innovate and not companies, and they need the right environment which provides both
With the globalization of the world, business have become more competitive. There are many challenges on the way to success for business in the business environment. Company need to respond quickly to the changing business environment to remain competitive and some measures such as innovation is much more important as compared to decades past. Joe and John stated (2013.p7) Company would be in danger if they do not invest in innovation. Also, the business would not prosper without investment in innovation, it could not compete with other companies.
Many of us believe that to be fully creative, we would have to leave our lives as we know them: quit the job, move to another state, and divorce our spouses (Allen, 1988). There are a number of reasons why creative ideas fail to become innovations. Sometimes it is because the idea, which seems brilliant in concept, is flawed in application. More often, the problem is that organizations invest in creative ideas such as brainstorming events, idea management, idea campaigns, but fail to invest in implementing the most creative ideas that come from those initiatives.
To harness creative attributes and obtain superior work from employees and vendors of creative services, bosses and clients must understand their crucial role in the creative process.
Edwin in Creativity Inc. offers his mind’s eye with regard to the ways managers can nurture a creative culture that will help organizations and their employees achieve their best. While Edwin recommends several management tactics and techniques that have been highlighted in
Effective leaders need to be creative and innovative. Effective leaders need to understand that the blood of the organization which they are leading lays innovation and creativity (Swid, 2015). Creation of new ideas can result in programs which are superior to the already planned or established plans. The responsibility of the leadership is to engage appropriate people in the right times, to the appropriate degree but in creative manner. Employee creativity is also enhanced by leaders who are inspirational. Any business
Most of the physical resources of the world have been discovered and nearly all are fully acquired and applied for specific purposes. However, as technology and globalization have transformed the business world, future business successes depend upon innovation and creativity, such as the newest app (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.) for growth and continued development. The businesses that understand how to best encourage innovation and creativity with their organizational climate and culture are best prepared to succeed. These types of businesses can have the nurturing environments that stimulate innovation and creativity for continued growth.
Creativity: Creativity produces innovation, and innovation is the lifeblood of “need to survive” organizations. Coupled with Quality, they are the key of organizational survival.
It is undeniable the competition in the business arena is very stiff. People in the business world must find the best way in order to be successful. Business, nowadays, have to cut cost to the bone by downsizing, outsourcing, offshore IT development and management. The growth of an organisation now depends on the ability of the businesses to innovate. Innovation is no longer regarded as the exclusive preserve of the research and development department. Instead, many businesses see that innovation must become a part of the core competency of every part of the organisation and its network of business partners.
Can we really teach our employees how to be creative? Isn’t it hereditary? Creativity can be developed among employees when we do the following:
Creativity is merely some of our countless appreciated human sources which permit an exceptional development in all phase of life while avoiding the similar methods from reoccurring time after time. Particularly, inside the work site when individual sense encouraged and appreciated their creativity subsists at the greatest as they sense a self-challenge to be creative and formulate a transformation within their responsibilities. There is substantial confidence placed upon creativity to discover complications, distinguish discretions, and execute elucidations. Creativeness is not something conserved for particular situations. It is a fundamental function of assessment formulating. When it approaches time to unraveling obstructions and constructing evaluations, it is imperative to initiate an appreciation of purposefulness and construct an ethnicity for individuals to be resourceful and deliberate outside of the frame to get outcomes. Bottom line, there is a purpose with imagination, that be contingent upon your specific personal inspiration and enthusiasm for what you accomplish every day. This is why the situation is so essential to do whatever you enjoy and enjoy what you achieve in order to obtain the accomplishment and contentment in your position and subsidize to the organization’s achievement by way of creativity and innovation.
An effective way for leaders to engage their employees in creative thought is to lead them through the “Cycle of Excellence” (Hallowell, 2011). The “Cycle of Excellence” (Hallowell, 2011) has five steps that allow employees to bring peak performance to their jobs. “Creativity, innovation, and ingenuity are essential to solving many of the challenges facing the world today” (Daniels & Peters, 2013, p. 4).
Employees who are given space to engage their creative locus and to become self-efficient are found to influence innovative behaviour Appendix 1. This is because they are less fearful of the administration, which for most cases control their behaviour, performance, and level of participation. This study intends to show that highly controlled employees rarely apply their innovative sides because of the restrictions that is placed on them. However, organisations that allow high level of participation among its employees benefit from their individual creativity.
In order to remain innovative or to become more competitive, it is essential that leadership establish a strategic innovative process to guide them through the entire course of action. To begin with, they must choose what type of innovation process that is right for their business. A end goal of this process could include