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1. Introduction
Direct marketing is a vital part of many organisation's core business plan, consumer data, collected and held on in an information storage system, can steer a company's operational practice. (Tapp, 2008) A solid marketing strategy will use consumers and existing customers as a basis, and then critically examine the organisation from this angle to internal business. For this paper, Gap 360 Ltd has been selected as a case study. Gap 360 Ltd is a company which focuses on the gap year travel industry, their strategic aim is to become the leading brand in the UK gap year travel market. However, this aim cannot be achieved without thoroughly comprehending their position, relative to three environmental forces through a …show more content…

As a business Gap 360 Ltd is surrounded by a legal framework, making legal considerations particularly important to the company. The framework governs them to obey the standard business law covers trade practice law, service safety, and marketing codes of practice, etc (Bains et al. 2011). Given the inherent risk and uncertainty in travelling Gap 360 Ltd is statutorily obliged to provide safe, reasonably priced, travel services in order to ensure the safety and security of travellers.

Many firms might have a mind towards environmental considerations, often covered by environmental policies, corporate social responsibility policies, or the ethical provision of service (Bains et al. 2011). However these issues are accentuated in the travel industry both due to the environmental impact of travel, and the need to operate overseas. Gap 360 Ltd state that they aim to ‘treat customers and overseas suppliers in a fair an ethical way in the long term’ (Gap 360, 2013). By achieving the aim, Gap 360 can increase customer retention and loyalty, and maintain excellent working relationships with the suppliers of services in other countries.
3. Market analysis
This section will provide an overview of the market in which Gap 360 Ltd operates. Gap year travel companies focus on organising extended travel for young people, which they undertake in lieu of educational activity, most commonly from sixth-form to university. This is a

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