Gateway Selection in Wireless Mesh Networks Background Information and communication technologies have become advanced and efficient in last few decades. The improvement is radical and it has made the broadband technologies and internet more robust and wide spread. Internet has become an integral part of any communication technology. It carries various type of information and offers different type of network services. The speed of data transmission has also improved. [1]Now days, Internet can be accessed from any smart phone, PDA, laptop, computer and several other smart devices. Wireless internet connection through wireless LANs at public places like airports, stations etc. All these have led to the wireless mesh network. [2] Wireless …show more content…
[4] Currently, a larger and multihop wireless mesh network includes more than a single gateway for connecting to the Internet. Previously, a single gateway called root node was used to provide access to the Internet. But introduction of multiple gateways in the network allows flexibility in the deployment and selection of the gateways. So, use and selection of multiple gateways in a wireless mesh network has raised several design aspects. [5]For example, 1. The selection of a gateway. 2. Assignment of the gateway nodes. 3. Routing through the selected gateways during a multihop data transmission. Now, the focus of this research is on selection of the gateways. Significance Wireless mesh networks are significant due to various reasons. Thus the factor of selection of gateway in wireless mesh network is becoming an important concern. IEEE 802.11 based LANs are still in use and sometimes these are used as backbones in wireless mesh networks. These networks use static WMRs or wireless mesh routers. These WMRs create a multihop backbone to the IEEE 802.11 based LANs. It becomes last mile and high speed internet connection. [6] Some of the special WMRs are used for connecting the wireless mesh network with IP addresses for accessing Internet. The routing is performed by the routers that are also used as access points in wireless mesh network. The backhaul routing strategy is used here. Here the
We have simulated another network having 30 numbers of nodes. The simulation is made using the same platform used for network 1. This simulation is done taking node 1 as a source and node 28 as destination. The optimal path obtained in this simulation is 1-23-13-28, in which data rate is 0.47 kbps. The second optimal path is 1-17-28, in which data rate is 0.35 kbps. The simulated results are summarized here in
In the design, the topology used is a star topology. The computers in every office or classroom are linked to the central device known as the switch. The star topology leads to the expansion of the network without any disruption. This defines the use of a hub, a router or a switch to interconnect various computers together. All the workstations in this topology are connected with a connection of point-to-point to the central device. The data is first passed through the primary device before reaching the planned destination. Hub controls and manages the whole network. The hubs connect several nodes that are present in the star system. The hub acts as the signal booster (Elhakeem, 2010).
Wireless Routers is a wireless local area network (WLAN) that determine the next route of the packet should travel to the destination (Rouse, 2005). It converts the internet connection that was received from phone lines into radio signals and brings convenience to the portability devices that has built-in network card to gain the radio signals to get to the Internet connection (Switcher, 2015). Table 2 refers to the comparison of three models of wireless router.
The Gateway will provide the interface between the Sensor Network and the Internet. Each Gateway will then communicate with a central router that is connected to the Internet. To ensure that the Gateway’s WiFi signal is able to reach the central router a directional antenna and amplifier can be used to increase the gain of the transmitted signal. Both the Sensor Modules and Gateway should be solar powered with a battery back up. The diagram below outlines the flow of data in the network. In this diagram the circles represent the Sensor Modules, the squares represent the Gateways, the triangle represents an Internet WiFi Hotspot, and each color represents a separate network. Separate Zigbee networks are created around each Gateway. Each Zigbee network will use different mesh network id and channel number. Each of the Gateways will then communicate with the Internet WiFi
In large installations, the roaming functionality provided by multiple access points enables wireless users to move freely throughout the facility while maintaining uninterrupted access to the network” (Cisco).
| Given a network topology of three or more routers with bandwidth designations, compare the metrics used during the route selection process and the resulting routing tables generated by the DUAL and SPF algorithms.
A group of wireless sensor nodes (devices) dynamically constructs a temporary network without the exercise of any pre-existing network infrastructure or centralized administration. The main goal of ad-hoc networking is multihop broadcasting in which packets are transferred from source node to destination node through the intermediate nodes (hops). The main function of multi hop WSN is to enable communication between two terminal devices through a bit of middle nodes, which are transferring information from one level to another level. On the foundation of network connectivity, it dynamically gets to determine that which nodes should get included in routing, each node involved in routing transmit the data to further
As this demand for dynamic and unpredictable data grows, more and more devices have to be added to existing networks and configured accordingly. The need of the hour is to regulate networks centrally and as a whole rather than configure individual network devices and gain more control to achieve flexibility in existing networks.
FiWi (Fiber-Wireless) networks are designed using the wireless networks such as WLANs and fiber networks like PONs (Passive Optical Networks). Therefore FiWi networks having advantages of both users mobility support as well as high bandwidth. But the major problem with this networks is as the number of mobile user’s increases, queueing delay is increasing in FiWi’s Optical Network Unit (ONU). There are number of methods recently proposed for minimizing this queueing delay for bandwidth allocation. However, this methods are only working on PONs and WLANs and hence not considering the state of ONU. Therefore performance of FiWi networks is poor in terms of throughput and queuing delay. For any kind of FiWi networks improving its performance in terms of throughput is very vital. This can be possible by presenting the efficient queueing delay minimization method for FiWi networks. This is main research problem for this domain.
The internet community routing support for mobile hosts is being formulated as mobile IP technology.The host may be directly physically connected to the fixed network this can be connected as a wireless link ,dial up line.The host mobility requires address management,protocol interoperability enhancement to the core network function such as hop by hop routing protocol operation within the fixed network.The goal of the MANET is to extend mobility into the realm of autonomous,mobile wireless domain,set of nodes which combine routers and hosts from the network in adhoc fashion.The new technologies like Bluetooth and the hyperlink are helping to enable the commercial MANET outside the military operation.The recent growing interest will help more in
In Cellular Wireless, spaces are divided into cells. Each cell consists of base stations which is responsible to communicate with the hosts in its cell. Hosts moves from one cell to cell to another and hand off occurs, the new base station takes care of the communication. In Multi-hop wireless, mobility causes a change of route. Hence it need to traverse multiple links to reach destination. Ad hoc network is a self- organizing multi hop wireless network, which relies neither on infrastructure nor on the predetermined connectivity.
Many networks are infrastructure less networks where the nodes can configure dynamically to form a useful network. There are many challenges in wireless networks as explored in [1]. The challenges are as follows.
Internet usage has skyrocketed in the last decade, propelled by web and multimedia applications. While the predominant way to access the Internet is still cable or fiber, an increasing number of users now demand mobile, ubiquitous access whether they are at home at work or on the move. For instance, they want to compare prices on the web while shopping at the local department store, access Internet “navigation” aids from their car, read e-mail while riding a bus or hold a project review while at the local coffee shop or in the airport lounge. The concept of wireless, mobile Internet is not new. When the packet switching technology, the fabric of the Internet, was introduced with the ARPANET in 1969, the Department of Defense immediately understood the potential of a packet switched radio technology to interconnect mobile nodes in the battlefield. Consequently, the ad hoc protocols must self-configure to adjust to environment, traffic and mission changes. What emerges from these characteristics if the vision of an extremely flexible, malleable and yet robust and formidable network architecture. Because of its mobile, non-infrastructure nature, the ad hoc network poses new design requirements. The first is self-configuration (of addresses and routing) in the expression of mobility. At the function level, ad hoc network users typically communicate and collaborate as teams. These applications thus require efficient group
MANET [5] is the main area of research because of some challenges and issues that still exist in the network. MANET is the type’s wireless network in which each node communicates with other node via wireless medium.