
Gay Rights Essay

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Gay Rights
Two men are walking down the street very peacefully until they decide to kiss one another right out in the open. Some people look upon this as weird and others look upon it in disgust. Some even get angry about it. Is there a problem with what these men just did? Should they be left alone or reprimanded for what they have done? The issue of gay rights is very cloudy in our great nation. Most of this is due to the problems with the issue, the reasons for controversy, and pros and cons of the issue.
First of all, both sides have too many problems with gay rights for there to be a common ground on the issue. The biggest problem I find with the whole thing is the problem is not just fought by words, …show more content…

All who oppose state that marriage is the holy joining of a man and a woman, not a man and a man. Secondly, the question of whether gays should be able to adopt children is also a problem. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics “…gay couples can provide the loving, stable and emotionally healthy family lives that children need” (Adoption). But, “Family values advocates have attacked the policy, accusing doctors’ group of using faulty science to advance a gay agenda” (Adoption). The third issue is whether or not gays are born the way they are or if it is genetic. This of all the issues would help to shape the decisions of both sides of the issue. Tony, a gay student at Valencia Community College states, “I know many gay people, sometimes it depends on the individual person, I personally think that I was born gay” (Tony).
Lastly, each one of these issues of controversy has its good and bad points. To get a better view on both sides of the issue I interviewed two homosexual males who have differing opinions on the issue. On the issue of gay marriage, Brian had this to say: “Since gay people tend not to stay together as long, I see no reason for them to be married in the first place” (Brian). The second interviewee, Brandon, responded with: “I believe gays should have the right to marry, because if a man and a woman love one another just as a man and a man love one another, you should not

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