
Genetically Modified Organisms And Its Effects

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Genetically modified organisms has affected 50% of children in the United States to suffer chronic diseases, and 21% of children to have developmental disorders. This epidemic stems from the fact that GMOs cause damage to nature and humanity by destroying ecosystems, by being toxic when eaten, and by spreading its genes to organisms that has not yet been modified genetically. One of the most important ways that GMOs hurt nature is by reproducing with non-genetically modified organisms. When GMOs reproduce with non-GMOs, the modified genes are transferred to their offspring. Because of this, more species will possess traits that the GMOs had, and create an imbalance of organisms in an environment. Scientists have done countless studies on how GMOs can spread their genes to pests. In the article, “The Precautionary Principle Applied to Deliberate Release of Genetically Modified Organisms”, the authors comment, “Novel genes in plants...might escape and be transferred to weedy relatives or other crops by [pollination]” (Myhr and Traavik 68). This quote proves that the diffusion of genes to other organisms is possible. These two authors go on to explain the effects of having GMOs in an environment. GMOs may accidentally harm an ecology by being superior to other life and by causing an imbalance of creatures (Myhr and Traavik 68). This statement shows some of the effects that GMOs can do to nature. Furthermore, when a plant is genetically modified, it is able to pollinate vast

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