

Good Essays

Chapter 1: Giant’s background

The Giant store brand hypermarket founded by the family factory as a simple grocery store in one of the suburbs of Kuala Lumpur in 1944. Its mission was to offer a wide variety of food productions at the fewest possible prices. As its reputation growth, so they did business like hypermarket.
Which acquired Giant in 1999, recognizationed that the Giant 's key to success had been them can be ability to continuously offer value for business money products. It retained their core principle even as it began transformed Giant hypermarket into a national and international brand for hypermarket.

1.1 Operating Environment in Giant hypermarket

Giant 's comes from the pricing strategy - all items sold below to …show more content…

A supply chain, the entity enterprise logistics business, supply chain planning, operation procedure and supply chain information structure and the distribution of assets, which may be concentrated to upstream to downstream, also may be scattered, chain or supply chain. Manual-intensive nightmares
Decentralized procurement says upstream diffuse supply chain. In order to cope with personalized needs, on the basis of the region, or to the consumer preference quick response to market demands, differentiation establish branch target market or to establish production area. Each region of the group enterprise production department can purchase, use the nearest market competition mechanism, cost greatly reduced purchasing and supply chain upstream distributed enterprise.
For the market characteristics of buyer 's market, the market price for the stable exchange for purchasing pattern available raw materials.
The advantages are purchasing pattern available to meet as soon as possible, especially the manufacturing enterprise with customer needs some special needs and order type production, decentralized procurement procedure is simple, easy to operate, purchase cycle is short, to meet the urgent needs of material of enterprise. But due to the relatively small number of decentralized procurement, procurement costs will be high, to form scale economic benefit.

Centralized purchasing chain upstream says manual-intensive nightmares. The

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