It is easy to see what the art says about the time period. The art is mean't to present George Washington as a strong and go-get-em kind of man who day in and day out is a powerful American leader. This art piece also shows that Giuseppe Ceracchi the artist of this piece saw true importance of George Washington as a natural leader. This was a meangingful piece for its ability to reprent out Nations first leader as a powerful man who gets the job done. The mesage was more then clear it almost felt like the artist wasn't trying to state an opinon but instead a fact through his art skills.I believe this piece did add to Raquel's understanding of history. This piece helped to represent the first leader of our Nation and how important he was to
Although the painting displays the entire scenery, the poem can help a person visualize the event more clearly because it is relatable words. Most would think General George Washington gave unforgettable impressions to all he encountered based on painting, photos, and words describing him. He was a strong, stern leader of the country and to his soldiers. In the painting Washington Crossing the Delaware by Emanuel Leutze, he is the center of the illustration. In the poem Washington Crossing the Delaware by David Shulman, Washington is also the main focus.
Matteo Ricci was a born in Italy in 1552. He became a Jesuit and went a mission to China in 1583. He lived out the rest of his twenty seven years in China, bringing in Western culture and technology, while learning about what China had to offer. In his novel, The Memory Palace of Matteo Ricci, Jonathan Spence retells Ricci’s life story, while also adding information about the world at the time. Spence tells Ricci’s story in an interesting way, by assigning Chinese characters and images that he believes Ricci would have used in his memory palace, a fictional tool to remember what that took place during his life. The memory palace works by assigning memories to a character or image, so when you think of the image, you can remember the memories associated with it. Spence then breaks up the chapters separately by each image or character and talks about the history and story from Ricci’s life associated with the image or character. This essay will primarily focus on chapter four of the novel, though a summary of the themes of chapter six is included as well. In chapter four Spence largely discusses the three main religions of the Western world, Christianity, Islam, and Judaism, and then draws parallels with the three largest religions in China at the time, Confucianism, Buddhism, and Daoism. However, these examples are not the only instances where a trio of three religions and belief systems are present. At the end of the Warring States period in China, around 350 BCE, China was
Joseph Ellis sets out to make George Washington, the person we think of as an icon, into a real person. He wants to show us what makes him tick. He wants to turn the marble into the man. So many students today see George Washington as a memorial, a monument, a face on a dollar bill, and the man who could not lie when he cut down the cherry tree. He wants to show us the man George Washington was in his day. Ellis’s method was to divide George Washington’s life into three main parts:
Not only did he provide evidence in the art created that was tied back to into history, but described that symbolization that had racial implication. Fryd expository passage help the misunderstandment of how the audience viewed the statue simply as an Indian princess, instead of Davis’s own vision of white superiority that he insisted be represented in the U.S. Capitol dome statue. I found these observations to be very surprising because art comes along way involved in history. If the detailed evidence in the art Davis wanted and Crawford created was not focused enough one wouldn’t be aware of the symbolizations art contribute
Across America a battle of morals rages over the death penalty. Like many other controversial issues that consume our society, the issue of the death penalty is not easily defined. Some people feel that one should reap what they sow. However, the issue is more complex than the eye for an eye standard. With the death penalty in place, our country is stumbling down a twisted path with numerous complications nationwide.
I think that the timeline shows to some extent that art throughout history has been and still is the major form of
Alessandro Portelli’s essay begins by setting up the scene for his argument that songs can be interpreted as “metaphors for repressed autobiographical urge”, in the case of Loretta Lynn, whose songs reflect her past life as a lower class, coal miner’s daughter. Despite the fact that Lynn “kept them in the can” because she “didn’t think that people would be interested in a song about her life”, which held her back from sharing her life with the world, Portelli argues that “the first important decision in autobiography is always accepting that one’s life is worth telling in public”. However, he counters his previous statements by saying “autobiographical urge also sells”, implying that Lynn was using her past life to sell herself out to the world
George Washington has a original style and not trying to mimic the style of someone else. He is relating to the rights of
Abstract Sobriety tests are mainly used when there is suspicion that the driver may be drunk or impaired. This addresses how drunk the driver is or how much alcohol/drugs are in the person's system. This is the most leading cause for deaths within lives. Alcohol changes your perception of getting behind the wheel. Sobriety tests are primarily tools that are decisioned made and have officers decide whether to make the arrest or not.
The painting illustrates the artist’s rendering of what happened to Chief Wi-jún-jon when integrated into the white culture following a trip to Washington, DC in 1832. On this returning side you see no Indian heritage, it has been destroyed by civilization. The painting is a great view through the artist’s eyes and mind as to how he felt about the change which occurred with the Chief during his time. George Catlin truly honored and respected the Indians that he captured so elegantly in his paintings and I believe he felt saddened when Chief Wi-jún-jon returned to his native people looking and acting liking a white person.
I agree with your examination of the paintings of Philip Evergood and Ben Shahn depicting the struggle of workers in the 1930’s. In the 1930’s work was scarce and those that were employed faced poor working conditions and low pay. Evergood’s American Tragedy, depicted the protest that occurred outside the Republic Steel mill in Chicago in 1937. This protest turned violent when police opened fire into the unarmed crowd killing ten and injuring one hundred. Shahn’s The Passion of Sacco and Vanzetti shows the bodies of two Italian immigrants, Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti. These men were convicted of robbery and murder of a paymaster and guard in Massachusetts in 1920. The men were convicted based on their ethnicity with
In the novel Benito Cereno by Herman Melville, "Benito Cereno" tells the adventure of a bondservant defection on the address at sea. Richards and Emery altercate that Melville wrote the adventure as a perception on that argument Melville's special bright allegation of slavery. It is accessible to bisect the critics into two parts concerning Herman Melville's cause in recording "Benito Cereno." Allan Emery and Jason Richards all altercate that Melville wrote the adventure to accomplish an animadversion on slavery. Also, Allan Emery contends that Melville goes above barricade and is pointing out added flaws in middle Nineteenth American view.
“Liberty Leading the People” has also very strong political message, it is dramatic in composition and scene selection, very realistic in the way war and death is shown. This is extremely emotional painting.
Hi Adam, I agree, I have a new found respect for the art. I've always been somewhat interested, but not because of its history. It's really enlightening when you are able to start from the beginning and go through all of the movements, and its history. That's when I was able to get a better understanding of the humanities. At first I thought that the neoclassical movement was my favorite, but once I started doing research on the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, I'm not sure which one I like best. The Middle Ages is about the rise and fall of cities and it's economy, the rise of nations, kings, and nobles losing power. France and England in a war for 100 years and because of it, government trade was disrupted. The church has weakened due to
DeGee Group was a publicly held company in the Food & Beverage Sector with about 4800