
Good To Great Leadership Analysis

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It starts with an effective leader. This person is led by the inspiration within themselves and a vision that positively influences individuals. This influence is commanding, adds value, and empowers others. The responsibility of a leader implicates the ability to take on a responsibility that is greater than themself. The vision that the leader has must be articulated and demonstrated to the individuals with whom they come into contact with through self-discipline. Leadership is built on a foundation of qualities that can be learned and improved upon. These talents are acquired through an individual’s willingness to learn and acquire more. The leader uses challenges as a motivator to become more knowledgeable and uses failures as learning …show more content…

The leadership style of a level 5 leader describes a person who is humble yet steadfast to get the job done to take the organization to the next level. The ideal example of a level 5 leader as presented in the book, Good to Great, was the unpretentious Darwin Smith who made Kimberly Clark the leading competitior for paper products in the world. Darwin Smith was humble, yet confident. This is significant because if the leader does not have confidence within them, then the company will not feel committed to the cause. He lived a conservative yet hard working lifestyle that lead him to Harvard acceptance to become CEO and later make the executive decision to sell his mills and invest in popular stocks at the time. Smith was the pure definition of a leader who put the profits of the company first and himself second, due to his want to ensure the future growth well after his …show more content…

If I had to describe the leaders in this chapter I would describe them as risk takers. Companies such as, Kimberly Clarke, possessed an aggressive leader that drove their companies to the top despite the many doubts surrounding them. When placed in leadership positions the person must be willing to elevate the staff, because the employees are the most vavluable asset and with that should come an investment in them. This exact situation occurred with Rubbermaid whom the CEO, Gaut a person after his own personal rewards and benefits, did not choose an remarkable successor to follow which resulted in the downfall of the company. Gaut was said to be a self absorbed dictator when it came to business, nonetheless, most level 5 leaders were often described as living modest lifestyles and never wanting to be one for the

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