
Graduation Speech : High School

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In a small high school, everyone knows each other and every move made is scrutinized. Many people in my high school tried their absolute hardest to fit in, but for me uncomfortableness has always lead to a missed opportunity. I ran my high school. I was the kid who was president of everything, sat on the board of education and even had a little mailbox next to all the teacher’s mailboxes. Intense and extroversion are two words that I have always related to, but when the opportunity came to be crowned king of my school, I just wasn’t interested.
“We need more people” is what my student council advisors would tell me, “just do it for us.” But I was already playing a huge role in running our biggest event of the year, it would be too much to …show more content…

When the curtains open we came out dancing and it was exhilarating. There may have only been several hundred people in the auditorium but we couldn 't tell with the spotlight in our my faces. The feeling of being on the stage, with a routine, a spotlight, and a crowd was something that I had never before encountered. I loved every second of it, I found an outlet for my outgoing personality, and the exhilaration came in waves. Act after act, my confidence rose, and at an all time high my talent portion came.
Dressed in all black, I stood in the middle of the stage with my arms stretched out at my side. I held my position, anxiously awaiting my act to be introduced and the currents to open. The MC who was also, at the time, my tennis coach, introduced my act and all I could hear were the applause of the people who sat waiting to judge my act. But this is what I had practiced, it was not anything too difficult, and besides this was my first time performing ventriloquism. When the currents, I emerged with the spot light burning, I could feel the heat of its light and of the hundreds of eyes that were now all on me. I continued through my act, I brought out the microphone and a chair and the rest of my props, all of which played to the humorous tone I was setting. Then came the big reveal of any ventriloquist’s act, the dummy. The ‘dummy’ that I chose for my act, helped me stand out as he ameateur performer that I was, for my ‘dummy’ was actually a child. The

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