
Gun Control Research Paper

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Every day in our country our citizens are faced with a huge epidemic of violence in their own streets, these streets have become a place where our elderly are beaten for their fixed income checks and their other sources of income, where smaller females are attacked and raped, where teen thugs shoot and kill each other for some “turf” to sell their illegal drugs, and finally where our small children are shot down in cold blood during drive by shootings. We try to ignore the fact that the criminals in our society and how they hurt it, but we shouldn’t. We should take the proper actions to stop these acts of crazy people in our society. And some brave enough people try, but the hard work of some misguided citizens attempt to stop the legal ownership …show more content…

The second amendment states that ownership of a fire arm is perfectly legal and guaranteed as a right to the citizens of our country. There were and always will be good reasons for this, fortunately they are still practiced today by a lot of American citizens. In the earlier days of our country, guns were used for hunting and if necessary, used as an act of self-defense if one felt that their life was being threatened or in danger. When the earlier colonists of this country was fed up with the British rule, the colonists picked up their own personal fire arms and went to war with the British and showed them firsthand how powerful the tough band of average American gun owners were. Our founding fathers knew that if the population was armed, they would play a major key in winning the war against the British …show more content…

Both types of criminals break the law, so what makes the people screaming gun control think that a criminal won’t break the law to carry a gun. Criminals don’t attack other criminals because of an unwritten code between them, instead they attack the honest law-abiding citizen who works hard for their living, I come to think this is because they know that most likely their fellow criminals are armed because of their life style and the citizens who abide by the law are not. This is a result of the latest legislation from former president, Bill Clinton. These laws make it impossible for the average American citizen to fight back against

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