
Gun Laws Research Paper

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Does the Government Need to Make More Gun Laws? “A well-regulated Militia, being necessary for a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed (“The Constitution of the United States,” Amendment 2).” These fourteen straightforward words in the Bill of Rights have been a debate for most of our history. While criminals are loading up on combat weapons, why should the citizens have a hard time just to own a hand gun? The government needs to learn that their attempts on gun control does not work, gun control makes it hard for the honest citizens to keep their family safe from criminals and First of all, if the government makes stricter laws on gun control, how are the U.S. citizens going to protect themselves …show more content…

If that is true, where is the proof? Because firearms are used in a substantial share of violent crimes, but are also frequently used for self-defense purposes, changes in the number of guns within an area could have an important impact on the level and average seriousness of criminal activity. U.S. citizens cannot always rely on police officers to be right there at the scene to stop the criminal, since they tend to show up late after being called in. A Milwaukee sheriff, David A. Clarke Jr, did a radio advertisement stating, “I need you in the game. With officers laid off and furloughed, simply calling 911 and waiting is no longer your best option. You could beg for mercy from a violent criminal, hide under the bed, or you can fight back (Vielmetti, Schultze and Walker, 2013, 1).” Basically, he is recommending that citizens go and try to get a concealed gun, unless the people go and get the right training for it as well and not use it carelessly. Police officers expect us to trust them and rely on them to keep its citizens safe, yet they are one of the reasons why we do not feel safe in our community. A New London resident in Connecticut, Robert Jordan, was denied work as an officer because he was “too smart.” Connecticut officers have to take a Wonderlic Cognitive Ability Test, which is an intelligence test, to see if

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