
Hae Min Lee Case Study

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Facts about Hae Min Lee’s Murder Case Hae Min Lee was reported to have lost on January 13, 1999. Her lifeless body was discovered by law enforcement agencies on February 9 in Leaking Park. After being treated as a possible homicide, investigations began to identify the killer. Adnan Syed was convicted of the murder as a result of follow-ups that led to many dormant leads, recheck alibis and even question assumptions supporting the murder. Since it is evident that Adnan had a previous relationship with Hae Min Lee, it is obvious that after they had broken up, there were suspicions that Adnan hatched a plan to kill her. Jay's story supported the account that Adnan had killed her and buried her. Although Adnan’s story contains many layers of contradictions, misleading information, and fascinating characters, it demonstrates a fog of ambiguity to what happened to Hae Min Lee. I believe that Adnan killed Hea with an aim of revenging after the break up. Adnan seems to have killed her to ensure that she had felt the pain that he had. I arrived at this conclusion because after they broke up, the phone call details that Adnan was bitter after Hea …show more content…

Although there are many contradictions related to Adnan’s alibi, the evidence and the fact that they had a previous relationship with Hae point to him in many ways. If I were a judge in the jury, I would still convict Adnan since he does not provide sufficient evidence beyond proof to demonstrate that he did not have the motive to kill her. Although there are unresolved discrepancies, it is evident that life was lost in the case. Since neither Adnan’s story nor that of Jay aligns with evidence, it is evident that the circumstantial evidence points to Adnan. The doubts should be cleared by conducting an analysis of the evidence brought in the story and all the possible accounts to put a rest to this

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