For the purpose of this report, the subject will be CareKind, a home care agency which specialises in Dementia and cognitive decline. It is a relatively new company, having only been operating for 10 months. The policies and procedures were written by a partner of the company to incorporate the needs of the business and the financial constraints of the current climate. It is a business in its infancy and has had to completely build a client base.
Critical Report
The first policy of note is the zero hours contract policy that CareKind operates. This has been implemented due to the changing requirements of those clients who require care. Applicants for positions within CareKind are informed of this policy prior to being offered a position.
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This example is the best illustration of a policy which doesn’t firmly sit in either the ‘hard’ or ‘soft’ category. Whilst it could be argued that any zero hour contracts are ‘hard’ HRM due to their nature, there is also the argument that these contracts offer greater flexibility to those willing to accept them.
The remaining policies are sat firmly in the ‘hard’ HRM category, with the exception of CareKinds pay structure and Training Procedures. CareKind employees are paid ‘The Living Wage’, receive mileage expenses and are also paid for their travel time between clients. This would suggest that CareKind are attempting to engage with their employees and financially remunerate them to gain their loyalty and support, especially as few other homecare providers in the area offer their staff such financial benefits.
CareKind also offer their staff a wide and varying training package. There are a lot of opportunities for employees to further educate themselves and up-skill in areas that may aid their development and progression within the company. CareKind are able to do this as they have invested in their own training programme and rather than have their staff trained externally, all training takes place in house and is delivered by the partners of the business.
‘Engagement happens when people are committed to their work and the organisation and are motivated to achieve high levels of performance. Engaged people at work are positive, interested in, and even excited
Ability to arrange workday around personal obligations for example instead of working the normal shift from 8.00am to 5.00pm people can choose to work from 7.00 am to 4.00 pm and use that hour left for personal matters.
Providers are often not employees, but instead work under a contract. If their contract doesn’t spell out the training requirements specifically, the HCO may not be able to ensure they complete the training to maintain privileges. Additionally, providers continue to be paid on volume, therefore, by requiring them to participate in training, this can decrease their relative value units (RVUs) by which they are paid. Essentially, an organization runs the risk of dissatisfying the providers they work with by requirement them to attend training for which they aren’t paid as it is not productive and they are then losing money as they cannot see patients during that time. This had been the case with Providence in the past. However, when they began their journey toward becoming highly reliable about four years ago, they recognize this was a problem and instead required all caregivers no matter their role within the organization to complete training. Contracted providers were required to complete the training to either credential, or recredential. This represented a potential risk to the organization. Not only were they investing millions of dollars in the materials and the time to train all caregivers organization
As a part of managing staff, it is their responsibility to hire, train, and develop, and terminate if needed be. I asked Ms.McBryde How important is peace of mind? Peace of Mind is everything my company represents. Sunshine On The Go provides the peace of mind that comes with knowing your caregiver will be there when care is needed. Our in-home care service offers personalized care plans and a licensed caregiver to come to you whenever and wherever you need them they provide excellent service. With service available for as little as a few hours a week, or as many as 24 hours a day, patients and their loved ones can retain independence, privacy, and peace of mind while getting the proper care they deserve with this healthcare agency. How do you select your caregivers? Each team member is carefully selected who have to be licensed in the state of Maryland and Virginia through the Board of Maryland of Nursing. We take many pride in our team of experience caregivers. All the workers are compassionate, knowledgeable, and dedicated professionals who work diligently to earn the trust and confidence of every patient and
1. Service users suffered gross neglect such as little or no support to wash and shower, left for hours in wet and dirty beds and refused to help. Also service users are forced to share rooms. (Care Standards Act 2002)
Care homes should provide a quality of service meeting the needs of the residents as in a normal setting. However, the institutionalised nature of the care has many negative impacts on the residents’ as they perceive it is as negative form of care and a service denying independence, autonomy, privacy, power and other principle of human rights. Elderly are abused and neglected in some care homes while large proportions of staff caring for them are untrained and incompetent in caring. Funding for elderly care is major issue, on one extreme elderly are being forced to pay for care and on the other local authorities struggle to manage service within their budget.#
The pros and cons should be discussed so they are fully aware of the obligations employing carer’s themselves would bring. They would give Dalton control of who provides his care, it would place obligations to keep records, to show accounts to the LA, alongside all the responsibilities of being an employer both practicable and administrative. If difficulties arose although advice may be available from the LA essentially it would be Dalton’s or Grace’s responsibility to sort out (Carers UK, 2014). A LA commissioned Package would provide protection via the Human Rights Act (1998) s. 6(1). The importance of Human Rights within social care can be seen in McDonald v United Kingdom [2014] where although not won, it established that a failure to consider a person’s dignity can be a breach of human rights, it can also respectively remind a LA of their statutory duty towards care and support for an individual (Pitt, 2011) CA (2014) s,
This essay will discuss the concept of person centred care, why ser-vice users are at the centre of any decisions made. The importance of this when developing a plan of care to an individual with dementia within a community care setting with limited mobility. What the structure of the mutli disciplinary is when involved in delivering a package of care and how the different roles involved contribute to the positive outcomes
The CIPD (2014) factsheet states that Employee Engagement is a concept that ‘is generally seen as an internal state of being – physical, mental and emotional – that brings together earlier concepts of work effort, organisational commitment, job satisfaction and ‘flow’ (or optimal experience)’. An engaged workforce willingly demonstrates discretionary effort within their roles; their goals and values reflect that of their employers/organisation; they express a passion for work, feel valued and that their work has meaning.
Engagement is a sign of satisfaction and loyalty to the firm which can be incurred by increasing job resources
Employee Engagement is a measurable degree of an employee's positive or negative emotional attachment to their job, colleagues and organisation which profoundly influences their willingness to learn and perform at work. Thus engagement is distinctively different from employee satisfaction, motivation and organisational culture.
In an effort to answer this question I will start off with a clear account of the meaning of dementia, from what it is to the distinctive features of this disease to treatment or appropriate and care needed. This will then be followed by an effort define what is meant by person-centred care in relation to a particular workplace, before plunging into an explanation of what goes into the assessment of the service user, the planning tools needed while addressing some of the benefits of using the person-centred care approach in the care of dementia patients and others service users.
The policy within the care home has been set out to the requirements set by the Care Standards Act 2000. All staff must receive a copy of the policy at induction and a signature is required to say they understand its implications.
Employee Engagement - This is the communication between an employee and staff on all levels. There are 3 dimensions of employee engagement - Intellectual, Affective and Social. If these dimensions are positive, encouraging and work related, staff will feel valued and make greater contributions towards the organisation.
Work engagement is defined as a pleasing sense of satisfaction, a state of wellness while at work. Nurses are engaged with stamina and enthusiasm and dedication in the implementation of tasks toward their patients. Shared governance
Hard HRM, on the other hand, stresses 'the quantitative, calculative and business-strategic aspects of managing the "headcount resource" in as "rational" a way as for any other factor of production', as associated with a utilitarian-instrumentalist approach (Storey 1992: 29; see also Legge 1995 b). Hard HRM focuses on the importance of 'strategic fit', where human resource policies and practices are closely linked to the strategic objectives of the organization (external fit), and are coherent among