
Health Determinant Analysis

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The Definition of health can be described as a complete physical mental and social wellbeing and not as the absent of disease or infirmity. Health is the condition that is a consequence from the body’s adjustment and adaptation to the reaction of the person’s environment and their surroundings that affect them. (who, 2017)The idea of health promotion can be described as the process that allows people to take control and improve their health. This can help to focus people’s ideas on their behaviour and move in the direction of both social and environmental interventions to help. (who, 2017)There are many things that can help to determine a person’s health and what affect it. In this piece of work, we will explore the determinants that affect a person’s decision to live a healthy lifestyle. One of the determinants that can affect a person’s decision to lead a healthy lifestyle is stress. The first determinant that will be explored is Stress. As nursing students are under a lot of pressure …show more content…

If a student is not getting enough sleep it can lead to increased sickness. If a student get ill it means that they may miss days at college which will mean that they will be behind and may cause a student to become stressed. If a student is not getting enough sleep it may cause them to choose foods that are Hight in sugar which may cause an increase in weight. (Clinic, 2015).The ways that a student can live a healthy lifestyle is that they could try and increase the amount off sleep. This can be done by having a wind down time before bed and also limiting the amount of screen time. Another determinant that that will be explored is education. The third determinant that will be investigated will be education.If a student has a poor understanding of education around the topic of health.If a student doesn’t have a good understanding of the

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