Question 4
Health is a state of complete harmony of the body, mind and spirit. Many of the body, mind, spirit involvement have no side effects and upgrade the patients self discipline and their sense of well-being (Lorentz 2006).Both body and mind need to be healthy to seek the way to enlightenment. One’s body need to be strong and healthy and mind need to be peaceful and focused. Attractive in health action such as physical activity an proper dietary intake is a resolution that may be linked to one’s spiritual and mental health and wellness (Miller and Thoresen2003). There are few strategies that one can initiate to stay healthy as possible in body , mind, and spirit. First eat real food.Real food is whole, single ingredient food. It is
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Poor sleep has been linked to heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, diabetes, depression, and a decreased sex drive. Everyone is different some need more, while others can make do with less. The point is to feel refreshed when you wake up, and not groggy.
Third is learn something new everyday.Our education never ends, and we are never too old to learn new things. As long as we are conscious, we are learning. Learning leads to experimentation, experience, confidence, and mastery. In fact, some research indicates that the more we learn, the smarter we become! We should take time to explore new ideas, tasks, goals, and experiences to enrich our lives, and even to serve others.
Fourth is Focus on the good and positive.Good things will come once if we focus on the positive and let go of the negative. We can say “Thank You” it costs nothing at all and can really brighten up someone’s day. Its make feel good too, to focus on being pleased with someone rather than criticizing or nagging them. In additional Take time every day to enjoy something beautiful – read a poem, listen to uplifting music, enjoy works of art, find a way to encounter something amazing in
sleep is essential for our health and wellbeing. It allows our body to rejuvenate and restore itself. It helps the body to create new cells. Sleep deprivation is one of the biggest causes of premature aging. Tiredness can significantly affect your mood and how you feel. Sleep can help lower blood pressure and elevated levels of stress hormones. Your cardiovascular system is constantly under pressure and sleep helps to reduce the levels of stress and inflammation in your body. High levels of "inflammatory markers" are linked to heart disease and strokes. Sleep can also help keep blood pressure and cholesterol levels (which
Finally, ones physical health does play an important role in their overall wellness. This aspect, while not necessarily as intrinsically important as the other aspects can play a determining role in those areas and so is essential to one's complete health. Obviously this is the most immediately changeable part of one' life and can be altered in many different ways, none of which are terribly difficult and most of which bring relatively quick results. All it takes to Improve this area of a person's health is the determination to do it and a simple plan of how to do so. Included in this plan can be changes in diet, exercise habits and even sleep habits.
In the article, "Sleep and Disease Risk"(2007), "If you are not getting enough sleep at night, it could put you at a high risk for a heart disease, strokes, or high blood pressure. People can also gain weight, have a weakened immunity and poor balance." Your body needs sleep, it is a necessity for life just like water is. An example of a health problem that is most common among young adults is Sleep Apnea. Sleep Apnea is among leading sleeping diseases that is an effect from not receiving the right amount of sleep each night.
To locate the articles to be reviewed, a systematic approach will be used to search for the sources on many electronic data bases such as PubMed, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), Scopus, Ebsco, EMBASE and Science Direct. The articles searched for will be published between 2007-and 2017 and the search terms used will be drawn from the research question. These key words include, “direct payments”, “personation of care” direct payments and adults with learning disabilities”, “effect of direct payments”. The literature search generated a large amount of relevant, current as well as dated articles as well as some that were not so reverent for this research. To reduce the number of articles located I used
These are some reasons why we need to take care of our body’s. One reason is that Physical health include knowing how your body functions. Maintaining a physically health is very important in achieving overall good health. Physical health is what gives you your energy throughout the day. Physical health is determines the condition of your body. Good physical health is when your body is working the way it has to. Physical activity can help you to manage stress can help you by reducing the changes of the stress in your life having a negative effect on your existing relationships. Another reason mental/ emotional health is important because if you are not mental health it can
Eating healthy is the first step one can do to his/her body to have a healthier life. They always said you are what you eat. Making small changes in our daily diet, such as consuming as much as vibrant color fruits and vegetable in everyday meal can do a lot of benefit to the body. Colorful fruits and vegetables are usually high in antioxidants, fibers, vitamins, and minerals may help decrease the risk of breast cancer. Staying away from processed foods as much as possible, because processed food contains high intake of salt and preservative added foods that are bad for our health may lead to high blood pressure and heart disease. According to, if you want to live longer don’t over eat yourself, stop eating when you’re 80% full. Also, St. Louis University researchers have confirmed that eating less helps you age slower; they
Virgil once quoted that the greatest wealth is health; it takes courage for someone to have a healthy lifestyle. Healthy lifestyle is needed in one’s life and it can be defined as a daily routine that can contributes good impacts to one’s self and society. Healthy lifestyle gives lots of benefits to one’s person. By adopting healthy lifestyle, someone will always be healthy, fit and energetic. Day by day in every country, problems regarding health rise in society regardless of age. Health problems do not only happen at older people but it can also happens to kids. A World Health Organization reveals that a healthy lifestyle reduces the chances of being terminally ill and early death. Healthy lifestyle does not only gives you a good body but it is also give you many perks including long term health benefits. . There are various factors that
Health is such an important factor of our daily lives. Everything we do affects our health, physically, mentally, and emotionally. The question that someone may ask themselves is whether individual behavior is more effective in promoting health or is the structure of the world more effective in promoting health. This topic plays an important role in psychology and is controversial.
“Wellness is proactive rather than reactive, and inclusive and accessible to laypersons rather than the exclusive. “It involves a philosophy of self-respect and self-care that can be accessed by different persons in different ways, then nurtured and extended in other areas of their lives” (Hatfield, 1992). In order for us to become a person who is well, we need to be proactive and work on the areas of physical, emotional, spiritual, intellectual, and social wellness. Wellness is an ongoing process to where your empowering yourself to live a full and healthy life. Physical Wellness
Eating healthy is the first step we can do to our body to have a healthier life. They always said you are what you eat. Making a small changes in our daily diet such as, consuming as much as vibrant color fruits and vegetable in our everyday meal can do a lot of benefit to the body. Colorful fruits and vegetables are usually high in antioxidants, fibers, vitamins, and minerals may help decreasing the risk of breast cancer. Staying away from processed foods as much as possible, because processed food contain high intake of salt and preservative added foods that are bad for our health may lead to high blood pressure and heart disease. According to, if you want to live longer don’t over eat yourself, stop eating when you’re 80% full. Also, St. Louis University researchers have confirmed that eating less helps you age slower; they found that limiting calories lowered production of T3, a thyroid hormone that slows metabolism and speeds up the
Health is a positive state of well being, where every part of the body and mind is in harmony and in proper functioning balance with every other part. In other words, when every organ of the body is functioning normally, the state of physical well being is known as health. It has been well said that only that person can be called really healthy who has a sound mind in a sound body. Health is the characteristic of life that enables a person to live longer. According to World Health Organisation (WHO): “Health is the state of complete physical, mental, spiritual and social well-being and not merely absence of disease”. If a person is disease free or in a good physical state, but under stress, tension, anger, greed etc. than
Maintain a diet or eat healthy food. Choosing wisely on food intake and the time of day. Eating vegetables and fruits. Form a habit and break the bad habit of eating junk food and drinking sugary drinks. At first, it’s enjoyable eating it but its only empty carbs and too much sugar intake. It’s easily to crash at the end of the day, sugar don’t last long in the body. Peanuts, cashews, and walnuts are all good source of healthy fat. Processed foods are just as bad. Eat fresh and cooked food instead. Always read the labels to avoid too much salt, sugar, and fat. Also trans-fat and saturated fat. It’s easy to intake a lot of calories but hard to work them out. The food pyramid is a great way to keep on track. A food log is too another way to control eating. Limit the control of red meat. One to two serving of low fat diary or soy milk. Five to eight glasses of water. One to two serving of eggs and fish. One to two serving of nuts and seeds. Four to eight serving of whole grain. Three to six serving of vegetables. Lastly, two to four serving of fruit. Be creative with food, try green juice for vegetables and fruit together.
A thirty year old woman named Mary Nelson was involved in a motor vehicle accident and fracturing her jaw, left ulna, and left femur in the process. She has a lack of appetite because she does not like the taste of the prescribed liquid supplements and her jaw being wired shut. She is unable to communicate with other people and gets frustrated when no one is able to understand her. Also, she has a hard time moving places and standing up on her own because she fractured her left leg, arm, and hand. As the physician assistant of the team, I will examine, diagnose her injuries and illnesses, and provide treatment as she recovers from her accident. Physician assistants are part of the healthcare team who practice medicine with licensed physicians and provide primary care or specialized surgical care to patients. Their work in the hospital includes taking medical histories, order and interpret laboratory test and X-rays, and prescribe medications. They can also record progress notes, instruct and counsel patients, and order or carry out therapy. As the physician assistant of the team, I will able to give information to Ms. Nelson and answer her questions because I will have the most information about her health.
On December 5th 2017, we arrived at The Mansion of Sandy Springs at 9:30am to set up for the Health fair. The class was divided into 3 groups (according to their respective topics for the health fair); Smoking cessation group, Nutrition group, Hypertension group. I was part of the smoking cessation group alongside with 6 other classmates- Anmarie, Josephine, Jennifer, Bolaji, Angelique, and Ifeoluwa. Our poster board consisted of pictures showing the effects of smoking in the older adult and their environment. As the seniors approached our table, we greeted and welcomed them and educated them on benefits of smoking cessation, how smoking cessation can improve their health. We also acknowledged the fact that it can be uneasy to quit smoking at once so educated them on nicotine replacement therapy that can prescribed by their primary physician. Staying healthy is very vital because most of these diseases know no age, a healthy lifestyle is the starting point to avoid getting disease and getting ill.
At the age of fifteen, my mother had just finished cooking dinner when I noticed her slurred speech and incoherent sentences. Flustered by the sequence of events, I dialed 911 for help. On the way to the hospital, I recall one of the EMS personnel shakily exclaim: “ her blood glucose is 899, she needs insulin ASAP.” Having no understanding of what any of this meant my anxiety multiplied and I was eager to understand why these abnormalities were occurring. At the hospital, the doctor addressed my mother with a sympathetic and yet assuring tone and stated: “Latrice, you have type 2 diabetes.” He went on to explain how her body was not utilizing insulin and as a result had high levels of blood glucose. Although the prescribed medication resulted in dramatic improvements in my mother’s condition, the confusion remained. I had no understanding of her condition or how medication alone helped to assuage her symptoms. The unanswered questions learned from this shocking experience precipitated a drive to learn more about the human body and health prevention.