
Health Promotion : A Healthy And Long Lasting Lifestyle

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Every single person living on this planet should take health promotion seriously and strive for a healthier diet, exercise regime and a more relaxed lifestyle. The main reason I believe this is because health promotion is an area in life where it coincides with biology, psychology and medicine. These three aspects are essential towards a healthy and long lasting lifestyle. When health promotion is ever mentioned in a discussion usually biology, psychology and medicine is also brought into the arena as well. To start off, health promotion does not only include physical health, it also includes how a person is feeling mentally and emotionally as well. Biology plays a large part when dealing with an individual’s feelings mentally and emotionally. A wonderful example of how biology plays a part in a person’s emotional and mental health is through the level of stress that they experience from a daily basis. In class we learned that with the increase in stress that cortisol is increased in the body, which lowers immune system functioning. When this occurs in the body it is easier for a stressed person to get sick, which would make them more vulnerable to ailments in their health. According the Institute of Medicine (2001) “Stress is linked to cardiovascular disease and to other health problems that take place in the human body.” An increase in stress can also lead to viral infections, risk of atherosclerosis, hypertension, impaired memory and cognition as well. To avoid this

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