
Health Promotion Programme On Breast Cancer Screening Program

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Health is an important aspect of human life. The significance of health has dramatically increased in the recent years. If a person is not healthy, he/she cannot contribute to the wellbeing of the society. Following of unhealthy lifestyles, changing and unhealthy food habits, unhygienic practices, hectic workloads and lack of exercises are considered to be the common causes of a person becoming unhealthy. Here is the importance of health promotion programmes. According to WHO, “health promotion is the process of enabling people to increase control over and to improve their health”. This paper deals with a health promotion programme on breast cancer screening. It also deals with the aims, goals, and objectives of this programme. The paper describes the health promotion programme in the contexts of The Treaty of Waitangi and The Ottawa charter for health promotion.
Breast cancer screening programme:
This is a health promotion programme developed in order to reduce the occurrence of breast cancer among women over the age of 45 to 69 through early diagnosis and treatment. The assumption is that early detection will improve outcomes. The Breast malignancy screening is the restorative screening of asymptomatic, clearly solid ladies for bosom growth trying to accomplish a prior judgment. This programme will help to identify and provide appropriate treatment to those who are suffering from breast cancer, and also providing promotion and health educational services. In this

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