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Assignment on Health and Safety Health and Social Care Workplace

Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Introduction: PAGEREF _Toc389960313 \h 31.1 Systems, procedures and policies for communicating information on health and safety in the health and social care workplace in accordance with legislative requirements: PAGEREF _Toc389960315 \h 4Sharing Information: PAGEREF _Toc389960316 \h 4Taking Views into Account: PAGEREF _Toc389960317 \h 4Feedback: PAGEREF _Toc389960318 \h 4Health and safety committees: PAGEREF _Toc389960319 \h 4Duties and obligations of health and safety policy: PAGEREF _Toc389960320 \h 4Employer Duties PAGEREF _Toc389960321 \h 5Employee Duties PAGEREF _Toc389960322 \h 51.2 Responsibilities in a specific health …show more content…

(, 2014)
The safety, health and welfare at work Act 2005 sets the provisions for the improvement of the safety, health and welfare of the employees. There are some duties of the employer’s and also the employee’s regarding the health and safety matters. Those are:
Employer DutiesEmployers should ensure the health and safety of their employees from those harms that can cause from their work related activities (sections 2 and 3, HSWA 1974)
Employer must review and assess the work related dangers faced by its employees. For this risk assessment should be done and this should be sufficient and suitable according to the organization’s condition. (regulation 3, the regulations)
The employer must make appropriate and effective planning, organization, control and finally monitoring system. (regulation 5, the regulations)
Periodical audit should be done to measure the adequacy of the procedures. (regulation 3, the regulations)
Eligible persons should be appointed for implementing the measures that are needed in complying with the health and safety law (regulation 7, the regulations)
The employees should be provided with adequate and relevant information about the risks they will face and also the preventive actions to control these risks. (regulations 10 and 13 of the Regulations and the Health and Safety (Consultation with Employees) Regulations 1996)
Employee DutiesThe employees also have some duties

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