
Henry Viii And Elizabeth Of York

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Henry VIII Can you guess who this is? He will form his own church (Elton). He will also marry 6 wives(Crofton 130). Did you guess right? It was King Henry VIII. Henry VIII was born June 28, 1941 (Crofton 128). Henry was the second son of King Henry VII and Elizabeth of York (Elton). After his oldest brother Arthur in 1502 he became heir to the English throne (Crofton 130). In 1509 Henry VII died and then Henry VIII was crowned on June 23,1509 (Crofton 128). Henry was the second surviving son of Henry VII and ELizabeth of York (Crofton 130). When he was younger he enjoyed doing various activities outside including jousting and hunting (Ives). He also enjoyed many things like dancing (Ives).Henry was a very …show more content…

Henry never had good luck with the ladies. In 1536, he Anne Boleyn,his second wife, of adultery so he beheaded her (Perry 79). After that he married his third wife Jane Seymour (Perry 79). She would become the mother of Henry 's only son Edward I (Perry 79). Just a few days after giving birth to Edward she would die (Ives). Surprisingly Henry waited a few years to marry his fourth wife Anne of Cleaves (Perry 79). Anne was a german princess that was suppose to be really pretty (Elton). When Henry met her she turned out to be really ugly (Elton). Henry then divorced her and beheaded Thomas Cromwell for tricking him (Elton). He then married his fifth wife Catherine Howard (Perry 79). She did not last long because she was beheaded for sleeping with other men before they were married (Ives). One more wife to go his sixth and final wife was Catherine Parr (Perry 79). During Henry 's reign, Wales and England would unite as one. Sometime in the 1280s, After Henrys son conquered Wales, the Welsh people got really mad and rebelled against the English people many times, because of what Edward did (Ives). After they all cooled down they finally accepted being united with the English (Ives). When the acts of 1536 and 1543, Henry put both England and Wales under a system of government (Elton). In 1541 Ireland became a nation and King Henry would become king (Ives). Now as king he had many wars with France and Scotland in the year of 1542 (Elton).

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