
How Can Different Liquids Cause The Liquid To Rise More Under Constant Pressure And Temperature

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Experimental design
Investigative Question: Will different liquids cause the liquid to rise more under constant pressure and temperature?
Hypothesis: If salt, sugar, and vinegar solutions were tested by putting them in a container and setting it under a lamp to see which will rise the highest, the the water with salt will rise the highest.
Independent Variable: The liquids used for thermal expansion.
Dependant Variable:Which liquid solution would rise the highest in a controlled setting
Control Group: Water
Amount of liquid with solution in the plastic bottle
Size of container
Amount of heat each liquid solution is receiving with 100 watt light bulb
Amount of time put under lamp Experimental Groups: Plaster water bottle with 30g …show more content…

Insert a straw in the hole of the drilled cap bottle making sure that the tip of the straw does not touch the base of the bottle
Seal and making sure the straw stay in place
Place the plastic bottle with water under the heat lamp with 100 watts of incandescent light bulb turned on
Observe and place ruler beside the straw. Record the height of water level in the straw at 1 minute, 2 minutes, 3 minutes, 4 minutes, and 5 minutes with a ruler
Record observation and repeat 5 times
Repeat step 1 and add 30g of salt in a pitcher
Fill plaster water bottle with 500ml of salt solution wudion a funnel and label it “salt”
Repeat Step 3 to Step 7 using the plaster water bottle filled with the salt solution and record
Repeat step 1 and add 30g of sugar to the water
Fill paster water bottle with 500ml the sugar solution with a funnel and label it “sugar”
Repeat step 3 to Step 7 using the plastic bottle filled with the sugar solution and record.
Repeat step 1 and add 30 ml of vinegar to the water
Fill plastic water bottle with 500 ml of the vinegar solution and label it

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