
How Chondrosarcoma Is An Unusual Tumor Or Cancer Growth Mainly Affecting The Surface Of Cartilage Joints

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Chondrosarcoma is an unusual tumor or cancer growth mainly affecting the surface of cartilage joints. CS can grow in various areas; however, is mostly present in longer bones and in pelvic areas. This growth tends to affect a variety of different ages. Though chondrosarcoma is more likely to occur in males, the growth can also occur in females.

Definition & Facts

The name chondrosarcoma [pronounced “kahn-dro-sahr-cohm-ah”] is a derivative of the Italian prefix “condro-” meaning cartilage, and the Italian noun “sarcoma,” referring to the tumor creation process itself. The suffix, “sarcoma,” has Ancient Greek roots and actually signifies the tumor-growing process [“sarx” + “oma” meaning, “flesh process”]. Chondrosarcoma is a type of malignant tumor (often referred to as a cancer and is closely identified with bone cancer) that can sometimes spread to nearby tissues. Chondrosarcoma usually grows superficially on bone matter and exists in two types: primary and secondary. Primary CS is usually evident in children, while secondary CS is apparent in adults ranging in age from 30 to 70; however, the highest occurrence rate exists from ages 40 to 60. CS cases develop in women and men in a ratio of 150 to 100; this means that men are 33% more susceptible to being diagnosed with this type of cancer than women.

Symptoms & Complaints

The symptoms of CS may be easy to identify; however, the cause itself may not be. Chondrosarcoma usually begins as a pain or dull soreness in

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