
How Do Google’s Online Ad Revenue Sources and Strategy Differ from Yahoo’s? Which Online Ad Strategy Is Superior for Attracting Advertising from Small Companies? for Attracting Advertising from Large Companies? Defend Your Position.

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How do Google’s online ad revenue sources and strategy differ from Yahoo’s? Which online ad strategy is superior for attracting advertising from small companies? For attracting advertising from large companies? Defend your position.

Answer: I personally believe that there are no exact things that one company possesses all range of specialty but different company possess different specialty. Like Google, it generally possesses the link-based text of advertising. One of its programs, Adwords stands a priority source of income for Google Inc (Wikipedia a, 2010). These advertisements administrated by Adwords generate revenue by cost-per-thousand (CPM) advertising, pay-per-click (PPC) advertising and site-targeted advertising for …show more content…

However, there are several consequences need to be considered. The vast majority of users are not well-trained on its procedures lead to many campaigns held are never profitable. The people doing them without properly understand on how to set up a marketing campaign and it usually end up spending more money than they are able to recoup it in sales and profits (Perry Marshall, 2010). Google Adwords requires a lot of trainings and procedures to start advertise user’s internet marketing business and plan. Determined and patient need to be tested to learn ways to get the better results with the campaign made.

On another hand, Yahoo is doing something different from Google’s program which is live alike advertisement. Yahoo teamed up with Seattle-based ad design company, AdReady for the project, which has resulted in 800 templates from which budding advertisers can choose (Wikipedia c, 2010). It means that even the creatively-challenged can put together a very nice-looking display advertisement. Yahoo provides customizes on its advertisement unlike Google Adwords which is just text-based link. Onto those advertisements, users can upload their own logos and images as well as own text.
At the same time, range of advertising can be controlled as well. Yahoo’s new service, My Display Ads, allows users to choose the segment like demographic, location, and even times of day their advertisements will be appeared. An

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