
How Does Culture Affect Behaviour During Negotiation Of General And The Different Stages Involved?

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Your Student Name/ Student Number/EUR171 <> Electronic Submission Coversheet TO BE COMPLETED BY STUDENT By electronically submitting this work, I certify that: This assignment is my own work It has not previously been submitted for assessment Where material from other sources has been used it has been acknowledged properly This work meets the requirement of the University’s ethics policy Student Name: Student Number: Faculty: FBSE Level of study: 6 Course title: Unit title: Cross-cultural Management Assignment title: How does culture affect behaviour during negotiation in general and the different stages involved? Critically evaluate this link and assess its importance for international managers. Throughout your answer, refer to at least two contrasting cultures of your choice, and cite relevant theories and examples from international contexts. Assignment tutor: John Holder / Joanne Hooker Word count: Learner request for feedback: TO BE COMPLETED BY STAFF N.B. SEE TURNITIN FEEDBACK ONLINE Tutor feedback: Areas of Strength: Areas for Improvement: Grade mark: Submitted on time (Y/N): Tutor signature: Date: How does culture affect behavior during negotiation in general and the different stages involved? Critically evaluate this link and assess its importance for international managers. Throughout your answer, refer to at least two contrasting cultures of your choice, and cite relevant theories and examples from international

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