Henry ford is a influential advocate, a dream of changing transportation. Through his actions he Made affordable cars for people. Revolutionized traveling and road ways. Created the assembly line which change the world forever. Ford impacted transportation through Making affordable cars. The model T just did that In 1908. Starting prices of $825.00 sold over ten thousand cars. Then over an four year period the price of the model T dropped to $575.00 by 1914. Ford Company claim 48% of the automotive market. When Ford makes cars he made them fast that how they were cheap. He just lowered the price when he started. Ford did the same thing that Walmart did just lowered the price. By doing this to car’s the average man could afford to own a car.
There is no doubt that Henry Ford had a strong impact on America during the Progressive Era. His Ford Motor Company revolutionized mass production and consumerism through his development of the assembly line. However, many people were opposed to the routinized unskilled labor he employed that caused many of the workers to be easily replaceable. Despite this, Henry Ford still contributed heavily to society. Ford employed thousands of workers at salaries that were unprecedented for that day to those who he thought qualified for them thereby redistributing his own fortune and improving the lives of the lower class. The gospel of wealth describes how “people of great wealth… had not only great power but also great responsibility to use their riches
The Ford Motor Company is an automotive manufacturer that was started in the late 1900’s. Many people have run the Ford Motor Company but the founder Henry Ford, he was unlike any other. Henry Ford’s imagination was unlike any other and his brain could come up with some of the greatest things. Until the day Mr. Ford died he created and succeeded in the automotive world and never failed to give to America.
Octavian Augustus (63 B.C.E-14 AD) is known as the first, and one of the greatest, Roman Emperors ever. Octavian enabled the long, peaceful time of the Pax Romana by changing Rome from a fragile, crumbling republican government to a mighty empire. Octavian¹s government was strong enough to withstand weak emperors who mismanaged the Empire. His changes proved to be the cornerstone of the greatest empire the world has ever seen.
I’m going to give you some insight on a Henry Ford, and how and why he revolutionized our country. Without him we wouldn’t be the America we are today. Henry Ford is one of the main factors that played a part in winning World War 2. He had ideas; great brain storms that would become reality to help the American people in all factors of their daily lives. So Henry Ford helped us win the war. He also figured out how to make a car that was reliable, cheap, and fast to make. Then after all that was said and done he even paid his workers the most and hired anyone that had the qualification to work for him. Henry Ford made America a better place for the people.
Ford increased his workers pay from 2.34 dollars an hour to 5 dollars an hour, raising the bar for the industry. Henry revolutionized the world by making it easier for people to get around. With Ford mass producing his cars it took no time to make them, so he could keep the price low and more people could afford them. Henry Ford wanted to revolutionize the world with the horseless carriage, he did so without “Cutting any ones throat” and was head of the first car company.
Henry Ford revolutionized the way people traveled throughout the nation of the United States. A short time after the first model T rolled off of the assembly line, Mr. Ford found the need to create a vehicle that would ease the burden of caring for the horses that pulled the wagons and saved time for his fellow workers. The model T pickup was born! No more horses to care for, no more strapping the carriage to the horse, and defiantly no more poop to scoop. How did Mr. Ford create so much value for the people? By recognizing there was a need to take care of, a want to fulfill, and a demand to meet.
Imagine how life would be if our society did not have cars. Today, our society is dependent on cars for our daily routines. From transporting our food, clothes, and technology to just going to the store across the street, cars are a very important part of our society. In the 19th century, only the wealthy and upper middle class had access to automobiles, and they only used cars for fancy transportation and to show off their money. This was due to the extreme prices of cars in the 19th century. With these high prices not many people could afford them, especially not the working class. Henry Ford revolutionized the automotive industry in the
From a young age, Henry Ford had profound interest in mechanics and was fascinated by the way devices were made and how they function. Through Ford’s innovative intellect, he was able to develop a revolutionary mass production system that created the American consumer principle and the middle class. Additionally, through his advancement of the Model T, he supplied the nation with a newer, more efficient way of transportation that created mass mobility and transformed large-scale manufacturing. Ford, an American innovator, was responsible for the development of the automobile as well as the assembly line. Prior to the Model T, the nation was confined by the restraints of not being able to easily travel long distances because their only option was by foot or horse.
Throughout the eighteenth, nineteenth, and twentieth centuries, there have many been many people who have shaped and changed the American and world landscape to what it is today. Many people have brought ideas into the light, and many people have changed major parts of everyday life. These innovators are a reason we have so many good things in this world, and one of those innovators is named Henry Ford. Henry Ford is one of the foremost developers of the American society. Henry brought the idea and concept of an assembly line to the light. He also brought the machine of an automobile to the world. He did not necessarily invent those things, but as an innovator he made sure these things would be apart of the daily life. It is easy today to
“Any customer can have a car painted any colour that he wants so long as it is black.” (Henry Ford). Henry Ford is one of the world’s most renowned leaders for the automobile industry. The son of a farmer, Ford has always been interested in how things worked. He has improved the models of his cars to make manufacturing them faster and more efficient by using assembly lines. He also set a balance between his employees’ wages and hours worked. Ford never stopped innovating and it is shown in his later Models of his car. Ford set standards for future motor companies and set standards for modern day manufacturing.
Ford’s car production won’t be forgotten, but remembered through the ages. The Ford Motor Company’s adaptation of the assembly line gave Ford an advantage over competitors. Selling over 15 million cars by 1925, the new stylish cars were in high demand and were sold at lower prices. This enabled almost anyone to own one and find new pass times to occupy their lives with. During this era the quantity of cars contributed to the building of new freeways, the growth of suburbs, and just scouting the land. Now that America was mobile, gas
Henry Ford was the world’s most influential leader. From founding one of the worlds most successful car companies, to having a major influence on WWI, he has profoundly shaped the 20th century and left an impact on every single one of our lives. Although Mr. Ford is considered one of the wealthiest and most commonly known people in the world, Ford was founded by his hard work and dedication to supply a perfect product. At one point half the cars on the road worldwide were his famous model-t. As the company expanded he slowly began to make Ford more independent, such as purchasing acres of land for wood, purchasing land for rubber trees, and even having his own line of specialty glass blowers. Mr. Ford strived to give his customers the best deal possible, constantly finding ways do drop the price of his cars so they could be available to all. He has risen the standards not only in business but in the innovative world as well. Overall it is safe to say Henry Ford embodies success and has given the American Dream a new definition, he has truly inspired us all.
A SWOT analysis is a tool used to identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of an organization. A SWOT model measures what an organization can or cannot do as well as the possible opportunities and threats. This is done by taking data from the organization’s environment, analyzing the information and separating it into the internal (strengths and weaknesses) and external (opportunities and threats). When this is completed the analysis can create a plan for the organization to achieve its goals, and identify what difficulties must be overcome to attain
When you think about Ford, an automobile will usually come to mind. Most people don’t think about the man behind that name, Henry Ford. Henry Ford was the man responsible for the Ford Motor Company (FMC). He was also the creator of the invention that changed the mass production industry, the assembly line. As you read on you will learn about Henry Ford’s life, the FMC, and the assembly line.
The birth of the automobile was truly something special. Once a far fetched dream is now what many people believe to be the back bone of the American economy. When people think about the automobile the name that comes to mind is most usually Henry Ford. Although he is not credited with the invention of the automobile, Henry Ford played a crucial role in the development of mass production. The automobile was first invented Europe in 1771 with a top speed of 2.3 miles per hour. A man by the name of Gottliech Daimler produced what was known as the milestone car in 1889, this vehicle traveled at 10 miles per hour (Brown, 105). Not more then a handful of these cars were produced over seas. Not many people had ever