
How Is Walt Disney Influence On American Culture

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“Disneyland will never be completed. It will continue to grow as long as there is imagination left in the world.” – Walt Disney (Goodreads). The success of Walt Disney films, theme parks and company has built a legacy and attracted the attention of millions of people. Through the animated stories they enable to fill children’s imaginations with entertainment. Disney has embodied American culture with its catchy tunes and mass marketing. It has portrayed different repertories through movies and TV shows that shine light into different cultures, which is centered to be a controversial aspect. Not only has Disney become controversial, it has also become popular with its accomplishment in being able to create a wide spectrum of animated characters. …show more content…

It separates fantasy from reality; Disney films has filled children with joy and ordinary imaginations. It also has amused children through their films and amazes them with fine animated characters. In the article, Transnationalism and Flights of Fantasy, Disney has embedded children with fantasy through films and has been carried around in modern culture. In Ayob’s views "In popular culture today, fairytales are the medium through which people are submerse into flights of fantasy" (12-24). In other words, Ayob believes that fairy tales will always be apart of American culture, it will exist because when people think about a fairy tale it will remain a fantasy to illuminate the minds of children's. Disney films have greatly impacted children, fascinating children with colors, magic, and animated characters. Where their Characters from films have influence children to think big and explore more of their imaginations. Hebdige claims, “Disney art has design the post modernism and was a theme for American entry to shape pop culture” (150-167). Disney has become a trademark of entertainment created for kids and adults, bringing them together to enjoy quality time. For example, A Disney theme park is where families comes together and spend time and see famous Disney characters. The face of Disney is Mickey Mouse, once being seen every child is filled with happiness and laughter. Disney shows kids that a new world can be built if only if it is being dreamed, by imagining

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