
How Personal Branding And Maintenance Of One Is Crucial For The Development And Success Of Future Careers

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This study focuses on the various aspects of personal branding and how the development and maintenance of one is crucial for the development and success of future careers. With today’s tough and competitive job market, jobseekers are struggling to stand out from their peers and are used to being passed over and forgotten about by potential employers. Developing a personal brand ensures that individuals are not left behind and that they develop the competitive advantage that positions them for the career opportunities they deserve.
Similarly, to that of a consumer brand, a personal brand gives employers the recognition needed to make a valid distinction between qualities of various employment candidates. By creating and preserving a …show more content…

Personal branding has become an important aspect for candidates within job searches (Kaputa, 2006).
While many companies are using the opportunity of search engines and social media as hiring tools for future employees, personal branding has become a crucial part of the hiring process.

Developing a Personal Brand
One of the most important aspects of developing a personal brand is differentiating between important terminologies within the branding spectrum. the first step begins by establishing a brand identity and communicating that through brand positioning to a specific target audience. Brand identity is defined as how the marketer wants the brand to be perceived, Brand positioning uses that specific brand identity to differentiate the person from other candidates within their target audience by highlighting important values and aspects of the brand identity. The brand image is then noted as a reflection of the person from their audience. This reaction is generally based on visible behavior, nonverbal behavior, and other observable cues. (Frischmann, 2014) In order to begin the process of establishing a brand identity, one must acknowledge what it is about themselves that is worthy of branding. suggests that to start the branding process, it’s necessary to develop a processional biography that includes a personal brand statement, which includes visions, goals, and passions that

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