
How Small Business Owners Can Get At The Top Of Google Search

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How Small Business Owners Can Get to the Top of Google Search Results

20 Easy Ways You Can Improve Your Web Presence and Top Google’s Search Results

Cover text: Small businesses don’t have to be dwarfed by big businesses and their huge marketing budgets. Use the tips and tricks found inside this ebook to improve your website, market yourself better over social media, and find new ways to improve your organic search traffic.


More than half of your total web traffic comes from organic search. A 2014 study found that for most websites, around 65% of all the traffic they get each month can be attributed to users entering a word or phrase in a search engine and clicking on links. That means, if you are not making the most of your organic search ranking, you are only getting a tiny fraction of the web traffic you could be getting.

Consumers that find your small business’s website through organic search are often more likely to make a purchase or visit your brick and mortar store than those who find your website through advertisements. By plugging a word or phrase into that search engine (Google being the most popular), they have already expressed interest in what you have to offer.

The problem is, of course, that many small businesses cannot find their links among those on the first page of Google. Only 10% of all searchers actually click onto the second page of Google search results. The vast majority of users will either find what they are looking for on the

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