
How To Clean 250ml Erlenmeyer

Decent Essays

For this experiment, student acquired two clean 250-mL Erlenmeyer flasks and 75-mL glass tubes as well as labeled one tube as Tube #1 the second tube as Tube #2. The student utilized the test tubes as photosynthesis compartments. Next, student used 225mL of tap water to fill each Erlenmeyer flask previously attained. Student used 75mL of treatment solution to fill Tube #1 and Tube #2 and placed both tubes in one of the water filled 250mL Erlenmeyer flasks, the water acted as a control variable for temperature change throughout the experiment. Student acquired 2 aquatic plants from the front bench and poured water from the container, which held the plants. It was mandatory for the aquatic plants to be composed of healthy, green leaves and …show more content…

Student crucially maintained the plant stem immersed and inserted the scissors into Tube #1 to cut off 0.5cm in the internode between the leaves of the stem and not where the leaves and stem attach, and repeated this step for Tube #2. Following, student inserted a rubber stopper in both tubes (including the attached bent pipette, syringe, and needle) and insured there were no air bubbles in the test tube by pushing the stopper into each tube. Student also cleaned the expected excess solution that overflowed from the test tube as the stopper was placed. Student allowed the solution to migrate into the bent pipette. After full insertion of the stopper, student used the syringe and needle to extract solution from each tube, setting the amount of solution in the bent pipette to “0”. Student positioned each Erlenmeyer flask containing the test tubes approximately 15cm in front of the lamp and turned on the lamp. Student left the plants to equilibrate for 10 minutes and noticed air bubble formation at the cut end of the stem. Using the syringe and needle, student altered the amount of solution in the pipette back to “0” at the end of the equilibration period and in five minute intervals, timed the gas production and recorded readings

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