Demonstrating te papa tauira throughout this 2000-word essay, te tūhono aria me te whakatau tuatahi. I will brief you on my chosen kaupapa, considering and identifying the principle Āta, then providing a review of one Māori and one non-Māori principled and theoretical positions. These will inform my practice while engaged with my kaupapa while considering te reo me ngā tikanga. My learning outcomes will assist of analyzing the notion of praxis within selected social work situations. The kaupapa chosen was a case study during te mahi whakatau rua at te tuinga whanau – social services trust (ttw). I have elected this topic as throughout my time at ttw I was involved with many homeless clients, including solo mothers currently accommodating whare Tauranga (temporary dwelling provided by ttw). I name this kaupapa ‘whanau awaken mauri moe’.
While working as a receptionist on Friday at ttw during mahi whakatau rua, I welcomed a Māori man in his thirties (I’ll name Paul) with his four-year old son. As he presented himself, it was evident he was tired, hungry and in a state of mauri moe. After welcoming him by respectfully introducing myself we had conversations, resulting in an understanding of his current situation. Paul explained he had come off the fishing boats to take full custody of his son. He was in need of accommodation and a benefit, with no money or accommodation until his appointment with work and income on Monday. I assessed Paul’s situation with a brief
Take each bag of popped popcorn and count the individual kernels that did not pop and record the data on the chart. Perform this for each
Type of event, training, or exercise: (actual event, table top, functional or full-scale exercise, pre-identified planned event, training, seminar, workshop, drill, game, etc.)
mitigate these points assessments will be made in how to best mitigate the failure and what would need to be done to
I. Purpose for this investigation is to pin-point problems within the Roanoke branch of Phoenix Advertising which have led to the recent resignations of an art director and an account executive, increasing client complaints about quality of work, productivity and demoralization of employees within that branch.
Presentation regarding the university’s Disaster Recovery Plan/Enterprise Continuity Plan including: basic structures; roles within the DRP/ECP plan; areas within a company if addressed improve resilience to catastrophic events, and an employee awareness campaign.
-3 x 1.66 pts. = minus 5 pts. = 45 pts. out of 50 pts. = 90%
Looking at the outcomes, which are the result of the support plan, these include inputs, outputs and outcomes. In simplified terms, these items look like:
Understand own responsibilities, and responsibilities of others, relting to health and safety in the work setting.
1.1 Explain the importance of a holistic approach to assessment and planning of care or support.
Over the past 29 plus years of working in this school district as a teacher, vice principal, STEM coach, instructional coach, and Title 1 coordinator, I would have to say my involvement in Title 1 has had the steepest learning curve. In all of my other jobs, I was able to learn how to be a teacher, coach or administrator through university coursework and classes offered for credential renewal. However, being a Title 1 coordinator this year has put me in the “shoes of a new learner,” much like my former students where I feel as though my head may explode with all of my new knowledge. I would like to pass along my new learnings about Title 1 and why it is so important to the White Pine County School District.
“Assess own leadership behaviours and potential in the context of a particular leadership model and own organisation’s working practices and culture using feedback from others”
2. Working according to the agreed ways means following the organisation’s policy and procedures in relation to pressure areas. It also means following the individual care plans and respecting the instructions in place. For example making sure a resident is turned every two hours, applying Cavilon cream on areas; fill in turning charts, prompt fluid intake. Under the duty of care a care assistant must always be aware of and raise concerns regarding possible pressure areas. Always record information in care plans accurately and in confidentiality.
Ludbrook highlights that the code of ethics of the association of child and adolescent psychotherapists includes a broad requirement that “its members do not abuse their position by taking advantage of clients for purposes of personal, institutional, political, financial or sexual gain.” (Ludbrook, 2012, p77). The Code of Health and Disability Support Services Consumers’ Rights 1996 outlines that all clients have a right to be respected in relation to their ethnicity, religious values, gender, and cultural differences. When counselling Māori children or young people, then the counsellor must uphold the principles within the treaty of Waitangi. Ludbrook emphasises that in order for counsellors to effectively provide bicultural practice, they must have an understanding of Māori language, traditions and cultural values. (Ludbrook, 2012, p78).
The relationship between the teacher and the learner should always remain professional. In the world of technology such as Facebook, it would be unsuitable for the teacher and the learner to become involved in each other’s personal lives, as this can impact into the teaching or any potential disciplinary processes than may need to be addressed.