
Identifying The Principle Ā Ta Essay

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Demonstrating te papa tauira throughout this 2000-word essay, te tūhono aria me te whakatau tuatahi. I will brief you on my chosen kaupapa, considering and identifying the principle Āta, then providing a review of one Māori and one non-Māori principled and theoretical positions. These will inform my practice while engaged with my kaupapa while considering te reo me ngā tikanga. My learning outcomes will assist of analyzing the notion of praxis within selected social work situations. The kaupapa chosen was a case study during te mahi whakatau rua at te tuinga whanau – social services trust (ttw). I have elected this topic as throughout my time at ttw I was involved with many homeless clients, including solo mothers currently accommodating whare Tauranga (temporary dwelling provided by ttw). I name this kaupapa ‘whanau awaken mauri moe’.

While working as a receptionist on Friday at ttw during mahi whakatau rua, I welcomed a Māori man in his thirties (I’ll name Paul) with his four-year old son. As he presented himself, it was evident he was tired, hungry and in a state of mauri moe. After welcoming him by respectfully introducing myself we had conversations, resulting in an understanding of his current situation. Paul explained he had come off the fishing boats to take full custody of his son. He was in need of accommodation and a benefit, with no money or accommodation until his appointment with work and income on Monday. I assessed Paul’s situation with a brief

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