
Ilya Kabakov's Life Of Flies: The Value Of Art

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In America and around the world today, the importance of art is not always seen by everyone. In education today, the emphasis is on subjects like Math, Science and English while art programs are often the first to be dropped in the event of budget cuts. The value of art is not always seen because there are no tangible results like in other disciplines. Science produces innovations and technology, being able to write well is important in almost any field of work, but what is the value of art to society? To me, the importance of art comes from it being able to make critical comments and point out problems about society in an effective way. If I were an artist, my art would be political because I think the value of art comes from its ability to …show more content…

Kabakov uses flies to criticize the society of the Soviet Union. The room is dark and dreary, and the flies are identical and monotonous. The “Life of Flies” is meant to show the stagnation of academic thought in the Soviet Union, due to the totalitarian government that discouraged all independent thought and wanted to be the one truth for all its citizens. There was no room for discussion or debate, or any challenging of the Soviet Union’s ideology or policies. It is said that “the civilization has an atmosphere so boring that flies die from it”. There is no room for discussion or debate. You can feel the oppressive environment from Kabakov’s work of art, and it shows the problems within that society and incites the feeling of being in it very effectively. It recognizes and criticizes the negative aspects of that society and challenges it by commenting on it and causing viewers recognize …show more content…

The new theory allows the creation of new forms, and that creativity is needed to create a work of art that will be meaningful to your viewers. I think that political art is a necessity in modern times. In class, we discussed whether it was possible to make a completely apolitical work of art. While there are definitely varying degrees of political art, I would argue that there is no way to create a non-political work of art. The only way I could think of would be to create a landscape that appears exactly as you see it, and even then it still might be seen as political, because no matter how apolitical the subject of your art seems, you choose how to present it and as a result it takes on part of your own personal opinions. While I don’t believe any work of art is completely apolitical, there is definitely a spectrum of political art and my own would be openly

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