
Impact Of Lagos Metropolitan Expansion On Peripheral Settlements

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The focus of this study is to assess the effect Lagos metropolitan expansion has had on peripheral settlements. This chapter deals with collection of data. It discusses the techniques used in the research. This chapter presents the general outline or procedure for conducting the study. It discussed the restatement of the research questions, research design, and population of the study, area of the study, sampling design, technique and procedures, method of data collection, instrument of data collection and method of data analysis.
Research design is the plan, the structure and strategy of investigation conceived as to obtain answer to research question and to …show more content…

• Social Survey: In social surveys, one need to know many basic facts in relation to planning, which have universal applications e.g. has there been any significant expansion of urban settlement into the peripheral settlement? Are infrastructures provided for in the peripheral settlement of choice? What effect has this expansion had on the infrastructural provision and conditions of the settlement?
Primary data were also gotten from direct field observation. It is more intimate and yields precise evidence on particular aspects of the problem under investigation.
Basically, secondary data can be found in
1. Various reports of survey carried out for those areas;
2. The library and its resource
3. Previous planning schemes, maps and data
4. Internet resources, and
5. Journals

3.6 Sampling size and Sampling procedure
3.6.1 Sample frame
Ota has a total of 13,527 buildings divided into 12 zones with a population of 526,565 which make up the sample frame for this research work. The sampling procedure to be employed in the distribution of the questionnaires to the respondent households in the selected buildings is the systematic random sampling method. This is the method of selecting sample at regular interval. This method is employed based on the settlement pattern of chosen settlements.

The questionnaires are designed for collecting relevant data on the social, economic,

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