Streeter, Thomas. "Networks and the Social Imagination." In The Net Effect: Romanticism, Capitalism, and the Internet, by Thomas Streeter, 93-118. NYU Press, 2011.
In the text, the author gives a historical overview of the internet. He tells us that the internet was not an overnight phenomenon and not a single person’s efforts. He gives us a timeline of the development of the internet and the degree of changes it went through to give us the internet that we have today.
In the text, the author tries to explain how the internet was not a profit making an idea for a business, instead it was to reduce the gap of communication. It was an idea to link people with information which is easily accessible. In the beginning, the internet was used by the
The author compares the difference from the past and the present and how the internet has changed not only himself, but others and the way that they are able to understand and focus due to the long-term use of the web. While comparing the past and the present the author gathers information from well know writers that feel the same way about the effects of the web. The author's choice of personal experiences, vivid imagery and analysis backed by research hook the reader and persuades them to believe that today's technology is causing mainly problems.
The fourth considers the shift made, From ARPANET to Internet approaching defense and research. The fifth section covers The Internet in the Arena of International Standards. The final section, Popularizing the Internet, shows the beginning of the wide spread of the Internet but before Internet connectivity becomes popular at the personal level. All things considered, the book states the expansions in Internet history between 1959 and 1991, with some proceedings to 1994.
Carr starts at his paper in a first point of view. He expresses his feelings that the internet is changing his own personal thinking. This man is an author, he's born to read and even he says that he's having problems because he can no longer read anymore. Carr says that “the web has been a godsend” (Carr), but he also explained it's not only a
Overall, the book tells us about the people involved the making of the Internet. Through the efforts of these geniuses, we see that the work on the "Arpanet" and Internet, as in the rest of the field of computing, was a team effort, with contributions from many individuals and organizations. And, as stated earlier, this effort also had much government support. Thus, many people and institutions were responsible in the making of this incredible instrument of computer technology.
What was to ultimately turned out to be known as The Internet' was developed in the 1960s through funding by the US military so as to discover a means of making possible communication in the event of nuclear conflict . Until the beginning of 1990s, though, the Internet was the sphere of influence of academics as well as researchers as commercial use was proscribed. A process of commercialization began in the late 1980s and the wider use this encouraged was to be given an additional heightening with the emergence of the World Wide Web in the beginning of 1990s. The progress of browsers in the early 1990s which facilitated web pages to be viewed in a graphical format in color after that brought the benefits of the Internet to a wider
History of the Internet To imagine a life without the internet is to imagine a life without so many advances in education, medicine and communication. The internet has provided our society an effortless way to live our daily lives by obtaining worldwide information at the click of a button. The superhighway is a variety of network infrastructures that provide multimedia use to the public and that use has allowed advances for the future.
The internet has revolutionized the modern world like no other invention has before, except perhaps, electricity. The internet allows sharing and collaboration to take place between people on opposite sides of the globe. Vinton G. Cerf, often called the “Father of the Internet”, admits that when the original idea of an “intranet” was in its infancy, there was no possible way to imagine all of the ways we would come to use it (NDTV, 2013).
When thinking about the Internet, one always appears to assume that the development of computer technology has been driven by a few giants of the industry. Indeed, we always assume that it is the big people that made it. And yet, the truth is very different. The authors show us how many of the developments surrounding the Internet were brought about with the support and often the leadership of the government. Indeed, it was the government funding that made a lot of these realities possible. Thus, this is basically a case study of what the development of networking achieved.
Internet provision and internet business is the basis for future national economic development. Thus we also have to appreciate that "these are not simply paradigms about technological change, but have the impact in the constructions of its values and its self-conception." (Miller; Slater, 2000) The changes in the information technology caused by the growth of the internet technology has brought together the multiple forms for communication - oral, writing, print, television, e-mail all in one browser with a multi-directional flow of information that has made the internet very complex. (Burnett; Marshall, 2002)
The internet is the easier way for people to communicate with each other. It has made the world smaller by bringing people together everywhere and any time. This invention has important tools for people to contact and it has changed their way of communication in today busy world. In fact people are becoming totally dependent on the internet as a way of communication in their daily life, business and work. The limitation of old communication tools has made the use of internet for communication is wider all over the world .
daily life. Existing side by side with other media, the latest mass medium has changed our
Mr. Zittrain writes the book in the way that associating today’s problems of the Internet with the history of the computer field. Firstly, the author shows the development of personal computer and the Internet in a unique way. He analyses the reasons of the success of the Microsoft company and the iPhone. Then he explains many of our current technical barriers and bottlenecks using the theory of generative and sterile. By using the examples like Wikipedia, Zittrain cleverly introduces us the obstacles that may be encountered in the development of the Internet in the future and many ethical issues such as network security and privacy. Focusing on these issues, the author voices his concerns and gives some feasible suggestions.
In the article, Carr expresses his concerns about the Internet, but he is not completely negative about it or against it; he writes ahead that the Internet has been a godsend to him as a writer (Carr, 589). What he tries to do is to remind us that there are another possible perspective and guideline when we judge and criticize the Internet. After describing all his concerns about the Internet and human intelligence, Carr writes that maybe he is just a worrywart and there’s a countertendency to expect the worst of every new tool or machine and refers to the example of Socrates and Squarciafico (Carr, 595). He shows his acknowledgment of the opportunities the Net brings us and his understanding of the reasonability of possible disagreement with him. “You should be skeptical of my skepticism,” he writes (Carr, 596). He expects us to be skeptical of his argument, because he wants us to think more about both pros and cons of the Net. He does not try to deny the Internet or convince us not to use it. Instead, he puts forward the other side of the case to let us have forethought from a different perspective and to be more critical when judging the Internet. When we agree on the bright side of the Internet, how it enables to
The origins of the Internet date back to research commissioned by the United States Federal Government in the 1960s to build robust, fault-tolerant communication via computer networks. The linking of commercial networks and enterprises in the early 1990s marked the beginning of the transition to the modern Internet. (Bill Stewart, 2000)
In the world of technology, the internet has transformed the way we go about our daily lives. Forty years ago, only a few thousand people had access to the internet. Today, the internet is a tool that mostly everyone has access to. With the invention of cell phones, we have the internet at the tip of our fingers. The internet is continuously getting faster and smarter with the help of better developing technology. The internet use to only be used to learn how to build and use networks. With the access of lecture notes and two different articles, there are several different aspects between the internet when it was first founded to the use of the internet now. The growth of the internet will continue to create new technologies that will make it easier for consumers in the future.