
Inclusive Classroom Behavior Study

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M. Smith and K. Smith state (2000) that the six teacher in their study felt that they were not prepared in college as preservice teachers to instruct in an inclusive classroom. This line of thinking was also discovered by Bruns and Mogharreban (2007) when they found that preservice teachers’ beleifs about inclusion were positive they not as confident of their abilities to plan, instruct, and manage an inclusive classroom. It was also stated that many Head Start teachers do not hold state certification and may not receive the same types of instruction related to young children with disabilities as do professional completing a state certified early childhood program (Bruns and Mogharreban, 2007). Professional development opportunities need to …show more content…

Educators need to understand the similarities and differences surrounding day-to-day classroom programming and management such as instructional approaches, assessment, and behavioral strategies (Bruns and Mogharreban, 2007). As discussed earlier by Hollingsworth, Boone, and Crais (2009) children’s individual needs should be met within the classroom context by providing necessary supports and environment. Young students with disabilities often require structured strategies and interventions to acquire new vocabulary, practice age-appropriate behavior, and improve interactions with peers (Bruns and Mogharreban, 2007). In order to accomplish all of this the early childhood educator needs to collaborate with all the other teachers/specialist work with. New vocabulary and language can be taught and supported when the early childhood educator and the speech pathologist collaborate to create lesson plans and goal together for each student with …show more content…

The Support and Technical Assessment through Relationships and Skill-building (STARS) Needs Assessment was developed from existing early childhood education and early childhood special education literature about effective practices with young children (Bruns and Mogharreban, 2007). In the project results it was discovered that early childhood education professionals overwhelmingly believed that all young children can learn and that children with and without disabilities are more alike than different, and young children with disabilities should receive services alongside their peers without disabilities (Bruns and Mogharreban, 2007). The results discussed being able to adjust the classroom environment to meet all students’ needs. This can be done through universal design, giving a wide range of options for students when making adaptations, and modeling relationships rather than just including the children. The results did show that one area teachers felt that they were lacking was alternative forms of communication and adaptations for students with motor impairments or hearing impairments (Bruns and Mogharreban, 2007). This is where collaboration helps fit all the pieces of the puzzle together. The speech pathologist will be able to

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