Title Page Abstract Introduction….. p1-4 Method Section … 5-6 Result Section ….. 7 Discussion ……. 8 References …… 9 Appendix A (job description) ………. Appendix B (job ad) …….. Appendix C (Interview questions) ……. Introduction Job analysis is a fundamental part of the practice of industrial/organizational psychology. Analyzing a job involves the determination of what tasks make up a job, the tasks’ relative importance, and what knowledge, skills, and abilities are necessary to successfully carry out those tasks. Job analysis results may be utilized for a variety of personnel management purposes but are especially important for selection and promotional decisions. Job analysis is undertaken prior to selection and …show more content…
Describe how you gathered the job-related data in detail. In the results section, describe the tasks of the job and the work environment. In the discussion section, summarize the project and talk about any limitations with the analysis. For example, if you could not observe the SME on the job that would be a limitation. ------------------------------------------------- Appendix A…. Job and Description Description: Key Accounts Manager Accounting Manager Job Purpose: Establishes financial status by developing and implementing systems for collecting, analyzing, verifying, and reporting financial information; managing staff. Accounting Manager Job Duties: * Accomplishes accounting human resource objectives by recruiting, selecting, orienting, training, assigning, scheduling, coaching, counseling, and disciplining employees; communicating job expectations; planning, monitoring, appraising, and reviewing job contributions; planning and reviewing compensation actions; enforcing policies and procedures. * Achieves accounting operational objectives by contributing accounting information and recommendations to strategic plans and reviews; preparing and completing action plans; implementing production, productivity, quality, and customer-service standards; resolving problems; completing audits; identifying trends; determining system improvements;
Human Resource (HR) managers work with top managers in order to create jobs and develop high-performing workforces. HR managers design jobs that fulfill the needs of the business and align with organizational goals. However, before jobs are created, HR managers need to understand what tasks and duties are required. The process of identifying the tasks and duties needed for a job is referred to as Job Analysis (Noe, Hollenbeck, Gerhart, & Wright, 2014). A job analysis is important because it assists managers with recruiting, performance management, compensation, and ensuring equal treatment (Stewart & Brown, 2012). Ultimately, the information gathered from job analyses are used to develop job descriptions. This paper will demonstrate
A job analysis is the process of studying and describing specific requirements for a job (Heneman, Judge & Kammeryer-Mueller 2012, p. 152). A job analysis can be conducted in a few different approaches, job requirements (job-oriented) analysis, competency-based approach or rewards based approach (Heneman, Judge & Kammeryer-Mueller 2012, p. 153). Each of these techniques analyse the same job differently. Heneman, Judge & Kammeryer-Mueller (2012, p. 154) explain that the job requirements analysis focus’ on what employees currently do, the competency analysis researches what is required of the employees to contribute to the organisations strategy, and the rewards approach analyses what employees want from their job.
The next step in the recruitment process would be to derive a job description. An initial step to this is to conduct a job analysis. A job analysis is used for collecting and summarizing information according to established guidelines. The information obtained also sets standards and performance expectations for employees assigned to these positions. Several different procedures or sources can be used in this process. Included in these are interviews, observations of the actual job, questionnaires, supervisory input, published literature, and the use of experts.
In determining who to carry out which activities and who to carry them, managers use managerial accounting records for organizing the business. The report allows managers to prepare internal reports for better organization structuring after evaluating the existing organization structures. This is after determination of responsibilities and lines of authority of the business. Managerial accounting seeks to design and implement the accounting system to strengthen the connections between the authority, experts, and their responsibilities to ensure performance achievement. It, therefore, identifies the most relevant and essential elements of an organization and suggests ways of improvements (IOANA-DIANA, 2013).
The definition of accounting according to Webster 's dictionary is "the system of recording and summarizing business and financial transactions and analyzing, verifying, and reporting the results." The purpose of accounting is to provide financial and business information to possible investors,
The main aspects of the accounting function is recording, reporting and analyse of financial transactions within a business. The business transaction takes place as a sale, purchase or payment of an expense which is a record of transaction in the organisation's accounting records and this is entered in the book of prime entry. The accounting function involves financial accounting including maintaining books and records and preparing accounts. Management accounting involves appraisal budgeting and treasury which involves cash management and tax affairs. Auditing involves reviewing financial reports and internal
19 One of the specific purposes of management accounting system is to provide information useful to help the enterprise achieve its goals, objectives, and mission.
What is an accountant? An accountant is a person whose job is to make sure financial accounts are going well with the company. After completing an accounting internship I thought accounting is an amazing career to go into because you get to experience how companies deal with their money and how they make their income. Accounting is often viewed as a boring career because all you do is deal with numbers but in reality is an interesting job to perform if you would like to be a part of the process that makes a company or firm keep functioning. Every business needs an accounting system, from a simple small store to the largest company, they all need to track expenses and income. Accountants are responsible for many duties some of which, according to the National Center for O*NET Development are to,
The criticality of job analysis in organizational success is a crucial function for human resource management and is a disciplined process of assimilating information pertaining to the functional aspects of a job. The information thus collected helps the human resources department to upload data on the factors relating to, a) time for the job, b) details of tasks under one job, c) restructuring job content for extracting the maximum potential of an employee, d) behavioral pattern of the employee and e) an assessment of the attitude and aptitude required from a candidate for the job on
Management accounting is about adding real value to the organization by combining accounting, finance and management with the business skills and techniques. It involves in management decision making, devising planning and performance management systems. Management accounting provides expertise in financial reporting and administer to assist management in the formulation and implementation organization's strategy.
Job analysis provides a foundation for many human resource functions such as Training and Development, Recruitment and Selection, Performance Appraisals, Health and Safety,
Accounting influences the role of a manager in many ways. They have to use accounting almost daily. It used to be general ledgers and pencils, but now we have computers for all that. When an inventory shipment comes in, it is the manager that has to make sure it is documented correctly. When there are damages caused during the shipment, managers have to document that as well. Analyzing and prediction is part of being a manager as well. A manager would perform a margin analysis which finds out the amount of profit a specific product or service generates. Managers also tend to deal a lot with inventory valuations and budgeting. Managers are for internal and external use and are in an advisory role towards others.
Job analysis- the process of determining the skills needed to do a job and the type of person who should be hired to do the job.
Job analysis plays a critical role because it defines how human resources will be utilised in the organisation in getting the right candidates for the job. The job analysis breaks down the job according to tasks to be performed by the incumbent and the requirements needed from the incumbent to fill the position.
preparing financial operating statements and posting journal entries to the general ledger providing general support to other areas of the accounting bookkeeping department researching and preparing management reports