
Influencer Marketing

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Why Service Businesses Should Approach Influencers and How to
Figuring out how to market your business online is an ongoing challenge these days. The landscape of the Internet seems to change on an almost daily basis. One thing is certain, though, social media has brought forth some influencers in nearly every industry and the impact they have on marketing is measurable.
Return on investment for money spent on influencer marketing is significant. In a report on Campaign, digital advertising solutions company Rhythm One found that there was a $9.60 return for every dollar spent on influencer marketing, or a 960% return on investment. That is massive. If that isn’t enough to convince you of the importance of influencer marketing, maybe the …show more content…

Share their social media posts, contribute to the conversation, offer free advice or product.
Offer a Special Deal
Don’t just expect an influencer to tweet out to hire you to do HVAC work. That isn’t the way social media works. It is more of a give and take type marketing medium. Instead, ask the influencer if you can offer a special deal for his readers. For example, you could offer 50% off on furnace inspections for the influencer’s readers only. Give the influencer a special code to use. Also offer to blast out a similar deal on behalf of the influencer.
If you’ve already built the relationship, then this is much more likely to be successful, because the influencer knows you and understands you want to share his or her information as well.
Patience Is Key
Imagine that you’re the average influencer online. You get dozens of pitches every single day from people wanting you to promote their product or service. Many of them offer free items in exchange for a mere mention. You aren’t going to grab the attention of an influencer simply by contacting them. That is why it is best to build that relationship first and foremost.
Understand that building relationships online takes time and a lot of give and give and give before the influencer is likely to give back. You might even share a lot of tweets from the influencer and never get

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