
Information Literacy

Decent Essays

In today’s society, people, whether they are an educational student of any level or a professional, use the internet or another type of database search, in order to get information. We live in a world where everyone who has internet has a voice, therefore information literacy is essential, meaning that people have to know how to find the information they are looking for, evaluate them and use them effectively. When comparing the collection of information from a search engine such as Google, and a database such as EBSCO, one can notice many differences and a proper evaluation and assessment is necessary. An evaluation can be done by looking first at the accessibility of an article pertaining to a specific type of information, such as on the …show more content…

If information can be cross-checked and you can reference it, then it is more likely to be more accurate. Further, the more grammatically sound an article is, the more accurate it appears. In this respect, articles on EBSCO were thought of as considerably more accurate because of lack of mistakes, and due to the fact that they provided references as well as who the author was, this way making the article more accurate. Another issue to assess a source of information is the authority. When the author is mentioned, with his/her contact information, as well as the source of publication, this marks the page/article as more important, something which is evident throughout the article searches on EBSCO. Also, another authority sample is the URL. When it ends on .gov, .edu, that generally means that the source has more …show more content…

The main reason is because, as it was mentioned at first, in today’s society everyone has a voice, therefore anyone is free to post whatever information they want on the web, and as a consequence, accuracy, currency, objectivity and authority are not observed as much, since it’s a huge network and not all articles/sites are screened, verified, processed and assessed equally, in comparison to articles and information found in search databases such as EBSCO where there is accuracy of information, links that verify different facts and opinions and much more authority than on search engines like

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