
Informative Speech : Inflammatory Language

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1. Sam, the lead of your task force, bursts into your office, with his eyebrows furrowed, face red, and in a loud voice yells: “I need this report right away.” A few things must be considered. Specifically, it is important to reflect on Sam’s facial expressions, his body language entering the room, the demands he makes, and finally, the volume and tone of his speech. Personally, the first thing that popped out at me is the way Sam demands the report. In chapter four of our textbook (page 84), inflammatory language is reviewed. I could not help but think how his verbal behavior seems to epitomize that term. I recall that inflammatory language has the ability to provoke strong emotions, positive or negative. For instance, it can bring inspiration or antagonism. Well, if I were on Sam’s task force, I will be honest and admit that this scenario would probably frustrate me. Additionally, his body language and facial expressions communicate that he is impatient, irritated, and lacking trust in the final outcome of the project. However, if I were really in this situation I would hope that I would respond in a respectful and effective manner. For instance, I would work on my self-monitoring, or in other words, being intentional in considering how the tone of my voice and facial expressions is in response to his demand. I would do my best to acknowledge his experience and feelings in the moment and respond in a manner that respects his position, but at the same time admits my

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