Instagram Instagram is a popular photo-sharing site that launched in 2010 that can be used to help a health care organization interact with people. As a social media tool it is one of the simplest to use and one of the easiest to garner engagement. People often don’t want to share words or take the time to write a post, but they will share an image (Gregg, 2013). As of 2015, 53% of young adults ages 18-29 used Instagram and 49% use the site daily (Duggaan, et. al., 2015) and 28% of ages 30-49%. Black, Non-Hispanic (47%) use Instagram at a higher rate than White, Non-Hispanic 21%, with males and females using Instragram almost equally (Greenwood, 2016). The use of Instagram is broadly distributed through all incomes and educational backgrounds …show more content…
Research reveals that users of Instagram have five primary social and psychological motives: “social interaction, archiving, self-expression, escapism, and peeking” (Lee, et al, 2015). With regards to transplant patients and their families Instagram can serve as an excellent tool to reduce isolation and improve social interaction and offer escapism. BMTInfoNet addresses on their website that transplant patients and their caregivers face emotional challenges. Transplant patients are often in the hospital for long periods of time and after a transplant, due to a weaken immune system, must stay in isolation for 100 days. Although a wide range of emotions is “normal” for transplant patients and their loved ones, Instagram could be used for self-expression of these emotions and a way for users to form social connections and a sense of community of people with a shared health …show more content…
There was a pointed effort made to inform BMTInfoNet’s leadership that hospitals are using Instagram as way to brand themselves and that BMTInfoNet may want to become an early adopter of the technology. Hospitals are using Instagram as a communication tool to showcase events, educational procedures, promoting programs and taking followers “behind the scenes, demystifying tests and procedures” (Marchak, 2015). Instagram would serve as an excellent branding tool to develop relationships with patients through social
In the film, Inside Out directed by Pete Docter and Ronnie del Carmen it talks
Moreover, social media can be very beneficial to patients suffering from chronic conditions as well as their family and friends (Norton & Strauss, 2013). For rare diseases local community support groups may not be available. Social media steps in to fill this void by offering users a variety of different online support groups, blogs, newsletters, and networks. Individuals can use such resources to reach out to others with similar issues, find much needed support during difficult times, and become aware of treatments and medications that worked for others with their same illness that may prompt them to contact their doctor about other possibilities in treatment options. When used properly, smartphones and social media can be very beneficial to healthcare providers and patients.
68% of young adults, age 18-21, visit social networking sites once per day or more;
While using social media can be valuable to doctors and nurses, inappropriate use of these tools can be devastating to a health professional career. Here are some examples
According to Durkheim, Social fact or social phenomenon are the main subject matter of sociology. He said in one of his pieces that social fact must be studied distinct from the biological and psychological phenomenon. Social order is the trend of behavior being used to exercise power over another person. It has become rules and regulations that have been set up by some authorities to be obeyed by another group of people who are being undermined in a society, it is a situation that oppressed people and limits them from their liberties. When people go through these situations they cannot function the way they are supposed to function because they are limited by their freedom. These social orders are not only laws but rather certain norms created by the authority to put a whole race into a situation where they are very far from freedom of speech, movement, and knowledge. African Americans are an example of a race that has been through discrimination at workplaces, schools, community etc. They are one race which has been a label or put in a class where the situation will never permit you to climb the ladder of success. Although you might have all the certification, qualification, the best schools, etc. but the fact that you came from the poor class or the lower class, it becomes very difficult for the Caucasian people to give you the opportunity you deserve, because of this, the citizens of American have been grouped into different classes which are upper, middle, working,
Massachusetts General Hospital uses Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and LinkedIn. The knowledge and use of twitter is something that is very noticeable with the use of many different hashtags for all the events and messages that the organization is trying to get out while also maintaining a relationship with other organizations and individuals through the use of retweeting techniques. While the use of Instagram, LinkedIn and YouTube is generally positive, the most prominent social media use is located on the public Facebook page. Unlike all the other social media mediums, the Facebook group is something that you can find all the latest and up-to-date information on this organization and their partners by looking at the Facebook page that is updated a few times a day. With all the information that I have gathered, I think that the website is very manageable and user friendly and the social media accounts are mediums that you can get a good in-depth material on the organization that is
I reviewed three scholarly articles on Instagram that were analyzed differently. Instagram is a social network application that is designed around photos and video sharing. Its community is home to 100 million users and has received over 1 billion photos. It is the largest image intensive app with 58 new photos uploaded per second. (Silva et al.) The article “Faces engage us: Photos with faces attract more likes and comments on Instagram” by Saeideh Bakhsi et al. focused on the photo sharing community of Instagram and explores whether images with faces attract likes and comments; “A picture of Instagram is worth more than a thousand words: Workload characterization and application” by Thiago Silva et al. researched the global coverage of Instagram through networks around the world; and "Shaping organizational image-power through images: Case histories of Instagram." By Brian McNely explained how vital the use of Instagram is for many organization to shape their public image.
It is no secret as to how fast social media has grown over the past decade between helping connect with long lost friends and family on Facebook, getting your resume out to others through LinkedIn, sharing a video on YouTube, or even just letting off some steam on Twitter, hard to believe that so much of this we see in our day to day lives can be creating such a controversy within the Health Care System. Most of these sites listed are made into little convenient applications on majority of the populations smart phones that can be helpful as well as distracting (Gill, Kamath, & Gill, 2012).
Today there are millions of active users on Instagram. This social media app can post pictures, share videos, and message friends. This app also helps Americans form expressions without words so there are no clear interpretations by users. These pictures can be seen and talked about around the world. Americans do not realize that Instagram impacts user’s formulation of self-image, life quality, and invades privacy.
With the proliferation of technologies, especially the Internet, social networking has become ubiquitous in the modern world. Social networking tools like Facebook, Twitter, etc. are the impetus that is ever facilitating rapid creation and exchange of ideas to promote and aid communication. Humans interact by being social, therefore sociology analyses the changes in the social trend. Understanding the sociological perspective on the effects of social media, we find that the social aspect has changed. Comparing the past and present status of our society, it is obvious that there has been a transformation which all points towards the evolution of social media. Social media has changed our culture and has impacted on the way people meet, interact and share ideas; it has changed the perception of how people should communicate with the society. Social interactions have been defined to be an exchange among individuals with the aim of strengthening the society. Social interaction is building block in every society when people meet and interact; they define rules, systems, and institutions in which they will live by. On the other hand, social media is known as a platform that allows people to network and socialize through applications and websites that have been innovated. Though social media could be used as a useful tool to communicate with friends, family and even with people you do not know, however, researchers show that social media is absolutely harming human's skills to have
Using this viewpoint, health care leaders can see the importance of using social media to stay in tuned with what patients are saying. For a health care organization to succeed they must provide quality care and quality service. If the patient population is not satisfied they are likely to vocalize their opinions to friends and families through social media. Health care leaders can create blogs or chats where consumers can express their concerns as a means to fix issues the organization may be experiencing. The information generated from social media can then be used by health care leaders to improve the organization, with the hopes of making their organization a leader in their community.
Social Media can reduce the cost of the healthcare marketing. Facebook; YouTube; and Twitter can help the Board members of the PMH to promote the new clinic and to get new patients from the contacts obtained through the social media.
who have many followers. Instagram is a profitable tool for people or businesses to share
ow much do you sincerely love to express your true self and share your experiences globally through pictures with other individuals online? With this social media networking app, you can do just that! Kevin Systrom and Mike Kreiger are the founders of Instagram and launched this app October 06, 2010 ( ). Since 2015 this app has grown to 400 million users, 95 million photos are being uploaded daily and 40 billion are being shared daily, this shows the true potential and value in this social media app ( ). The demographics of the users for this app range from children in their youth and all the way up to the elderly. Instagram is used for self-expression, social interaction, networking, making memories and also exposing the privacy of our youth.
Facebook helps people to share one’s information to others through posting and photon on his or her Facebook wall. Dr. Marry Marrow has syntheses her findings about Facebook and wrote, “Social media; staying connected.” She mentions that Facebook can bring happiness when you actively connected to our beloveds. Additionally, Facebook gives opportunities to health care as mean to communicate and to instruct communities (Marrow para 3). Social media like Facebook can enhance