
Interview Questions On Client Meeting Schedule

Satisfactory Essays

Client Meeting Schedule Week Commencing Meeting Date Discussion Points Discussed/Decided 14th September ⦁ The discussion was about the client’s expectations. ⦁ I was asked to put together an existing document design presentation. The client agreed the following Interim deadlines Brochure size is: A4 Brochure topics will be: ⦁ Night life ⦁ Shopping ⦁ Eating out ⦁ Entertainment House style requirements: ⦁ Use bold text and Italics ⦁ They do not want to use Arial or Times New Roman ⦁ Dark background = light text ⦁ Light background = dark text ⦁ Create a master page for the client ⦁ Each page is numbered showing a particular brandi ⦁ You show the client how paragraph styles have been used ⦁ A contents page 21st September ⦁ We sat down as a group and discussed the regularities we had found in brochures. ⦁ We had to draw examples and what they had offered. The client requested that I redo my analysis with details about text orientation, settings, point size and images. 28th September ⦁ Draft 1 ⦁ We were set the task to start draft one and I decided to hand drawn the design. The client requested that I do my planning of the brochure. Moreover, I finished of the client brief and I will now speak to my client about draft one. 5th October ⦁ Draft 1 Completion The client is happy with initial plans. The client wishes to see the types of images that will be used. I will be having a meeting discussing these images. 12th October ⦁ Mast page completion ⦁ We

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