
Introduction. In An Organization, There Are Various Factors

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In an organization, there are various factors that hinder the performance of the employees since most of these individuals come from different cultural backgrounds. Some employees have negative attitudes and this creates problems that make it difficult for them to work together. All this will influence the team and sales performance. Some of these problems come from ineffective communication among the employees, cultural differences and a lack of understanding of the values from Americans and Japanese alike and the way they perceive things. This paper presents a motivation plan that intends to address such issues and promote a cohesive work between these group of individuals. The result from the plan is to improve a …show more content…

The above values have gotten influenced by the cultures of these two groups of individuals from the two distinct cultures. The approach used by these two groups of people are different from one group to another. The employees in America adopt the approach of individualism towards their jobs and in most cases put self- interest ahead of that of the company. However, the Japanese are group-oriented individuals and have the interest of the companies ahead of their individual goals they want to achieve. With them, they do not wish to be given negative feedback while they are with other individuals or in the presence of a group but on one on one basis, they also do not like it when they get praised in the presence of the team members and thus prefer a recognition in private and at the instance it is public then it should be a public recognition and not that of an individual. This is due to the fear that a public recognition can result into a rift between the team members. Americans believe that their sales force value financial incentives as to enhance their performance while Japan believe that the financial incentive alone is not enough to motivate the employees. It is necessary to understand what will motivate these individuals and their values to establish a plan on how to motivate the Japanese and Americans employees. These factors can get incorporated to motivate the

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