
Introduction. The Purpose Of This Report Will Be To Look

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The purpose of this report will be to look into M&S and the way the use the Marketing Mix. Taking into account the research and analysis the report will assess the use of these elements and make recommendation on how they may be further implemented to add to the success of the Marks and Spencer market.

M&S is one of the UKs largest retailers with around 1382 stores worldwide. The food department (Simply Food) is accountable for 58% of M&S’ overall turnover whereas clothes, beauty and home add up to around 42%. International customers gain the use of the business in three different ways. These three ways are owned, franchise and joint venture where the two businesses will work together. Marks and Spenser’s offer the use of …show more content…

The information gathered was up-to-date and by using their own website was not time consuming. However, Marks and Spencer could have been biased when creating their website as they want the public to view them as the best as well as appearing better than competitors this means that they are only telling half the story as they only want to incorporate the positives rather than the negatives. The website is easy to access and information can be found very quickly and has already been produced. This website enabled me to see how M&S aim to maintain their values to continue providing the best customer service that they can.


High quality
“As one of the UK’s leading retailers, we sell stylish, high-quality, own brand Womenswear, Lingerie, Menswear, Kid swear, Beauty and Home products, serving customers through our 302 full-line stores and website, M& “

On the M&S it shows that high quality is what is offered by the business. This is a major strength for M&S that has allowed them to get to the level of success they have today. Customers have always food good quality product whether that has been fresh food, clothing or beauty products. This is an advantage as it allows them to show superiority over competitor brands with the high quality to provide to customers. Customer Service
According to my survey M&S customer service has been rated on an average of 7. This shows people find the staff

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